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According to Huber Zepel, despite the Russian sponsor, he did not interfere in h...

Sponsored from Russia: German author of Putin's books received hundreds of thousands of euros - media

According to Huber Zepel, despite the Russian sponsor, he did not interfere in his work during writing. German journalist Hubert Zapel, author of a documentary and two bestsellers about Russian President Vladimir Putin received huge offshore fees related to Alexei Mordashov. This was told by the publication "Important History". The financing of the writing of the books of Zepel was known through the leakage of documents from Cyprus offshore.

The journalistic investigation within the Tyra Cyprus project conducted 270 journalists out of 69 publications. As a result, 3. 6 million documents of six Cyprus companies engaged in registration of firms and consulting were included in the hands of journalists. Among these documents was the agreement between Zapel and the Dete Worldwide Corporation worth 600,000 euros. According to journalists, this company is related to Russian oligarch Alexei Mordashov.

The contract states that the funds are transferred to the High to "Create and promote the book" Putin's Power. Why Europe? " The logic of power ". documentary and writer. He wrote two books about the Russian President: books became best -seller and have been translated into several languages. The Documentary of Zapel "I, Putin. Portrait ", which he filmed in 2012, was nominated for German television prize for the best report. In the West, Zapel is considered an expert from post -Soviet Russia.

According to a journalist, he studied Russia for many years as a researcher and" about hundreds of times "communicated with Vladimir Putin. We will remind. The favorite Putin teacher Vira Gurevich wrote a book about the President of Russia. The book tells that Putin lived in his childhood in the yard "under the wolf laws", friends with Spana, crippled his classmate, cut off his heads with hand ducks, and once offended. Candy of a beloved teacher simply threw out the window.