Our team considers the duty to inform the reader about what is happening, to collect and analyze facts, to resist hostile propaganda. Today, focus needs your support to continue your mission. Thank you for being with us. The Forum of Free Peoples of Russia, which took place in Prague on July 22-24, 2022, for example, calls 19 potential candidates for post-Russian sovereignty.
They may be more or less, and the process itself will probably stretch for many years, but something similar will probably happen, and the preconditions for these processes are being laid now. The most interesting, in my opinion, is the fate of the region, which is now called the Yamalo-Nenets district, which is concentrated about 80% of the production of all Russian gas (which is 1/5 of world production!), And also 6% of all oil and 77% of gas condensate.
It is not even necessary to say that this incredibly rich in natural resources the region receives some pathetic crumbs from the lord's table, which Moscow drops him, while his indigenous peoples live in medieval poverty.
What is the attitude of Moscow - and essentially the modern imperial reincarnation of Muscovy - to the lands and subsoil, which belongs to the absolutely real (and not fictional, as "peoples of DNR/LNR"), the peoples of the North, among whom Nenets, Khanti, Komi, village? Why all that have been created for many years and for which such colossal sacrifices were made by the peoples of the entire Soviet Union, and among them, by the way, a huge (if not the main!) Contribution made to the development of this region by scientists, engineers and workers from Ukraine Why all this remained under the control of Moscow, which staged a total gas and oil blackmail of the former Soviet republics, as well as all of Europe? On what basis and on the rights of whom: the former Union Center? What is the miracle from?! Let's name things by their names: all this was assigned to the rights of the metropolis in relation to their colonies and the territories that remained under control after collapse, initially the Russian Empire in 1917, and then the USSR in 1991.
Ukraine should already look carefully at the processes that will unfold in the post -Russian space. And not only to look, but to take the most active participation in this-the leading Kremlin regime itself opened this box of Pandora, unleashing not only the hands of Ukraine and the West, but also creating exclusively internal prerequisites and launching internal cause and effect relationships of the further collapse of the empire.
And now it is not even a question of the benefits or desires of Ukraine related to victory in the war, but the need to be prepared (including morally) to a collision with a new reality that is inevitably coming. Now about funny. Ukraine, having enormous experience of both the largest transit and the largest gas consumer, could well provide valuable services in the newly created "People's Republics" on all issues of transit and contract. The intrigue is who will sign the first direct gas contract.
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