
Gas masks - in every home. Will the Ukrainians "Care" the authorities in nuclear strike of

Kiev perceived the threats of Russia to use nuclear weapons no more than information tension. But after the start of the Kursk operation, the Ukrainian authorities were concerned with the protection of the population from weapons of mass destruction. The focus understood whether it was time to distribute chemical protection. The Ukrainian authorities have taken over the rescue of the population from nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction.

In the conditions of martial law, the distribution of gas masks and other means of protection is envisaged, from the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 936. Non -working Ukrainians of personal protective equipment (PPEs) will be issued from the reserves of special equipment accumulated by local authorities. The document does not specify whether the communal warehouses are required at all.

Employees of business entities will provide businesses at their own expense, and officials will buy them for money from the state budget. Overalls are only for civil protection services. Radiation and chemical protection products are not refunded. Business entities are obliged to comply with the number of PPEs at the rate of one gas masks per person and an additional reserve at 2% of the required number.

Obviously, the sharp "demand" for gas masks happened against the background of growth of nuclear tension and threats from Moscow. On August 27, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov announced on August 27 to clarify Russia's nuclear doctrine. Only Russian President Vladimir Putin makes the decision to use nuclear weapons. This development is possible in the case of this type of weapon against the Russian Federation or its allies.

Another condition is to strike conventional weapons with the threat of the existence of the Russian state, according to the military doctrine of the aggressor. It is worth noting an increase in the proportion of Russians who consider it justified to strike nuclear weapons in Ukraine. The Levada-Center survey conducted in June showed that more than a third of the Russian citizens support such a dangerous escalation.

Nowadays, the United States remains the only country that used nuclear weapons in 1945 against Japan. Atomic bombs were thrown into the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is noteworthy that the topic of nuclear weapons was violated more than once from the beginning of the Russian invasion. When Putin announced the beginning of the so -called "special operation", he warned allies against intervention. Moscow's response, he said, would lead to consequences that have no historical counterparts.

Throughout the confrontation, Putin has repeatedly ordered the forces of nuclear restraint into a special mode of readiness. In May and June 2024, the military and Belarus conducted training and strikes with tactical missiles with nuclear warheads after the promises of the Western leaders to send armed contingents to Ukraine.

The logical question arises: why did the Ukrainian government decide to protect the population by means of protection against nuclear weapons only in the third year of the Great War? Officials do not indicate the reasons for the decision, and there will be no nuclear blows in Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada. According to a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Alexander Fedienko, the categorical position of India and China restrains Russia.

Beijing and New Delhi could warn Moscow with closed channels that the impossibility of transitioning "red lines". "China is a rather influential player, the Russian Federation depends strongly on it. Our government is more likely to act in the context of warning measures rather than the actual warning of danger. Probably, regulatory procedures of the USSR to ensure the population by means of chemical protection during the war are performed," the People's Deputy says.

Lavrov's statements about the clarification of nuclear doctrine Fedienko consider information manipulation. Realizing that it is difficult to move on the Russians on the battlefield, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation periodically addresses the event to the event to put Kiev at the negotiating table. Personal protective equipment (PPEs) are able to protect a person from light radiation and radioactive dust after a nuclear explosion.

However, it should be understood that the usual gas mask does not accurately save from serious injuries and burns through the explosion, explains the head of the Department of Nuclear Energy of the Institute of Security of Nuclear Power Plants of the NAS of Ukraine Volodymyr Borisenko. Gloods relatively reliably protect the breathing, eyes and skin from radioactive substances and dust, filtering the contaminated air coming to it.

"Civilians no one protects gas masks in the case of nuclear weapons. Special equipment is more needed by the military that work in the area of ​​the lesion. In the explosion of the nuclear shell a short -term action. The main thing is to hide from the" nuclear cloud "with harmful substances that moves in the atmosphere. In the gas mask on the street, and wait for the infection in a deep basement, "the scientist shares the advice.

Bottled water reserves are more important than gas masks during nuclear attack. Closer to the epicenter of the explosion, water will be infected, drinking it from sources is strictly forbidden. Borisenko advises to last a maximum of two days, then the radiation level will return to normal. We will remind, President of Belarus Oleksandr Lukashenko declared his readiness to use nuclear weapons in the event of a breakthrough of the Belarus-Ukrainian border.