
"Psychotrop -Psychotrop": Putin is ready for negotiations with Ukraine but there is a nuance

The President of the Russian Federation assured that he is in favor of a peaceful solution to "all disputes". However, he explained that "he does not believe" and called the main condition for negotiations with the West. The Kremlin is ready for negotiations regarding Ukraine. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with Dmitry Kiselev, as reported on March 13 at RIA Novosti.

"Are we ready for negotiations? Yes, ready, but only ready for negotiations, not based on any praise after the use of psychotropic means, but on those realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on earth," the leader of the country said Aggressors. According to RBC, Putin is ready to sign a "fair contract" with the West, but on one condition. The agreement should include guarantees that will "believe in Moscow". "I do not want to say this, but I do not believe anyone.

But we need guarantees. And the guarantees should be registered, must be the ones we arranged, in which we believe," the President of the Russian Federation emphasized. He explained that he was guided by the facts and would not buy "some empty links". "You know, when you make a decision at such a level, the degree of responsibility for the consequences of the decision is very high. Therefore, we will not do anything that does not meet the interests of our country," Putin said. Lenta.

ru reported that, according to the politician, it is a serious conversation with the security of the Russian Federation. He assured that in Russia all the "carrots" who are allegedly "are going to show" to be convinced to start negotiations. "We want to repeat again, to resolve all controversy, and this dispute, this conflict is peaceful. And we are ready for that," the leader of the aggressor country added.