
The Federation of the Russian Federation in the Crimea is indiscriminate, but so far the Armed Forces is not before the de -occupation of the peninsula - General (video)

The occupiers will try to stretch the Ukrainian forces in the Sumy direction, but their breakthrough under a big question. The mine in the region was much more intense than in Kharkiv, says national security expert Viktor Yang. The periodic sinking of Russian ships in the Black Sea has no global signs that Ukraine is going to deduct Crimea in the near future.

The destruction of the latter in the Black Sea of ​​the rocket carrier of the invaders is caused by an urgent need to reduce the number of rocket strokes in Ukrainian cities. A military and public figure, Major General of the Security Service of Ukraine, National Security Expert Viktor Yunun, told this in an interview with Focus. According to him, the main area of ​​activity of the Armed Forces is now stabilizing the situation at the front, especially in Kharkiv region.

With regard to Crimea, there is a systematic work on the bleeding of the Black Sea Fleet itself and air defense systems in the Crimea itself. "It is clear to everyone that just to take and relocate the air defense systems quickly and easily from the Russians will not work," says Yanun. "The invaders cannot borrow from someone, as opposed to Ukraine. , and this is a painstaking and not a quick task.

" The expert emphasizes that at this stage in the Crimea, according to the information of Ukrainian military sailors, there were no "caliber" carriers except submarines. The aggressor has to hide ships away from the radius of Ukrainian missiles. "For example, they hide ships in Sochi, but there are no ports for warships and there is no way to download missiles, because there is no appropriate infrastructure," the expert said.

"The occupiers are now forced to approach Kerch from time to time to serve the vessels, which is dangerous But it is expensive. As for the situation in the East of Ukraine, according to Major General, the occupiers will try to stretch the Ukrainian forces in the Sumy direction, but how quickly and successfully it can be done to them-a big question. The border villages were completely or partially evicted, and the mine was much more intense than in Kharkiv.

It was not possible to evacuate it because of the refusal to be evacuated, and it is impossible to change the village or territory, given the presence of civilians. According to the expert, there will be no global breakthroughs in Kharkiv region, because the occupiers will not dwell on the second and third line of defense. Moreover, immediately after their offensive, from May 10, work on mines in the east has intensified.