
"The authorities invent war and afraid of Moscow's condemnation": Metropolitan's statement was explained in the PCU

The church's press service was assured that Metropolitan Danylo was outraged by the selective effect of pilgrimage. According to the spokesman of Metropolitan Evstratius, the PCU representative could not choose the wrong words because of his age. Metropolitan of Chernivtsi and Bukovina Orthodox Church of Ukraine Danilo (Mikhail Kovalchuk) in a speech to the believers stated that the authorities "invent a war, then feared that the Moscow was not condemned.

" The PCU press service in Hromadske explained his words. The spokesman of the Metropolitanate of the Metropolitan Metropolitan Evstratiy (Zorya) said that Kovalchuk spoke of an officially established ban on the mass pilgrimages introduced through the war. "But this prohibition in practice is not done everywhere: when it comes to measures organized by the Moscow Patriarchate, they are actually carried out without ban. We can give examples of campaigns on Pochaiv.

This is how you can understand from speech, and indignates Metropolitan Daniel," - The PCU representative emphasized. At the same time, Metropolitan Evstratius agreed that the words about the "fictional war" were incorrect. The PCU was assured that the position of the church was "unambiguous and many times certified.

" "Definition of" Fictional War "is categorically contrary to the position of the PCU and cannot in no way be interpreted not only as the official opinion of the church, but also as an opinion at the level of its individual representatives. And so he must explain that he did it mistakenly, "the spokesman said. He suggested that the mistake could have happened because of the age of the Metropolitan, because he was 74 years old.

The PCU representative also noted that given the sensitivity of the topic and the resonance of Metropolitan Daniel should be asked for an incorrectly formulated opinion. We will remind, on August 8 on social networks there was a video where the Metropolitan of the PCU appeals to the parishioners, criticizing power. In particular, words about the "fictional war" and "fear of condemnation of Moscow" were made.