
In the pocket to the producers: the director told how in the Russian Federation they made on artists from Ukraine (video)

Viktor Andrienko noted that the actors from Ukraine, who were involved in the shooting of Russian serials, not only reduced the cost of the shooting day. The artists also did not pay the money earned for a long time. Ukrainian artists, who went to Russia by 2014, did not pay extra money and in every possible way hid the real amounts of revenue from the sale of tickets. Actor and director Viktor Andrienko told about it in an interview for a YouTube prosekt TSN. ua "Alone".

He told reporters that he personally encountered the unethical behavior of the Russians with Ukrainian artist counterparts (Viktor Andrienko himself also traveled to Moscow on working matters before the invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2014). According to him, the artists hidden the amounts allocated for the realization of a creative project, and also underpay. The actor and director shared his personal history that happened in 2012.

Then he was called to work on one of the series, which were engaged in the Russian. "They say only 80 thousand per series. And I know how much the series costs. Moscow issued $ 200,000. $ 20,000 had to be submitted to the Guild Producers, 180 thousand dollars remain? And I know where another 100 . . . The pockets of producers, " - said Andrienko.

He added that the difficulties in the material sphere during cooperation with the Russians also arose in the plan that they were in no hurry to pay Ukrainian artists. The money could be expected all 12 months after the filming. "That's how they were deceived by our actors who starred in these series," Andrienko summed up. We will remind, in May 2021 Oleg Skrypka stated that Ukrainian artists who go to make money in Russia are not Ukrainians.