
Supercam drones are hunting on Starlink and Armed Forces equipment in the rear: Expert explained Patriot slammed

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use less noticeable drones that allow better exploration in the Ukrainian rear. In addition, they have new search products in the radio. Russian unmanned aerial vehicles Supercam have replaced more visible drones and received better equipment for the search for equipment and means of communication of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because of which cases of defeat of Ukrainian equipment far from the front line were increased.

The Ukrainian serviceman and radio expert Sergey Beskrestnov with the call sign "Flash" in his Telegram-channel told about it. According to the expert, Russian invaders have recently changed the tactics of using reconnaissance drones. Instead of larger "Orlan models, they use less noticeable SuperCam and Zala UAVs that are able to penetrate deep into the Armed Forces and which are difficult to hit.

This can be explained by recent samples of Western military equipment that have not usually been hit because of their distance from the collision line. "Why is it just now? The large and noticeable" eagles "came" Supersons "and" Halls ". They can fly unnoticed into the rear. Now there is nothing to knock down Supercam UAVs, so the UAV of the Russian Federation is increasingly flying by our rear 40-50 km deep.

I think everyone saw a video of the destruction of Patriot and three helicopters that were shot deep in our rear, "Beskrestnov says. In addition, the drones have received technical means that allow you to look for land communication facilities that operate in radio wave ranges 2. 4 GHz and 5. 8 GHz. These waves, in particular, work with Starlink satellite communication terminals. "The fact that the ranges of transmitting devices can be scanned from the air is not a secret.

Currently, Russian units have received" boxes "for UAVs that can do it," the expert explains. Sergei Beskrenov developed recommendations for the Armed Forces fighters that reduce the risk of communicating with the drones of Russian invaders, and therefore the likelihood of their defeat by long -range artillery, shock drones or missiles. However, they do not guarantee one hundred percent rescue.