
Boris Nemirovsky is a native Kiev and a German journalist who was one of the first to be recognized for the support of the Armed Forces

The war for the freedom of Ukraine is on many fronts and not all of them are noticeable at first glance. In addition to the battles on the front line, large work is done in the rear where volunteers play a key role. Foreigners work in different countries of the world. Among them are both those born in Ukraine and people who do not have to do with it but want to help.

These people raise money, organize humanitarian cargo and do their best to make the advanced equipment the necessary equipment and provisions, and the civilian population could be easier to survive the difficulties caused by war. Telegraf writes about it. One of these volunteers, German journalist and political scientist Boris Nemirovsky, was awarded the third medal for contribution to Ukraine support. Native Kiev, since 2000, a German citizen, but has been associated with Ukraine.

Boris is known as journalist and expert from Eastern Europe, worked for international media - such as RTVI, Euronews and Deutsche Welle. He is also an expert of the German information TV channel N-24 (now Welt24), where he covered the most important events in Ukraine, in particular-the first Maidan in 2004, as well as the Dignity Revolution in 2014. It was during these events that a sniper's bullet broke his camera in Kiev. The journalist himself was not injured.

Since 2015, Boris Nemirovsky has devoted himself to volunteer activity for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. His work is not tied to a fund or organization. For his contribution, the journalist was awarded several awards. In 2016, Boris was probably the first foreigner who received the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine "Honor". In 2018, he was awarded the Medal of the 58th Brigade "For Faithing Oath", and a month ago-a medal of the 57th Brigade "For Faithfulness to the Ukrainian People".

The Berlin company Altner & Nemirovski GBR, which Boris has created and heads, actively supports Ukraine with its PR-projections. One of them is a marketing research of the prospects for the development of Ukrainian restaurant networks in Germany, which emphasizes the company's interest in promoting Ukrainian culture and the desire to support the economy of our country.