
Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station is no accident: the Russian Federation knew about the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces, as they got secret data

Russian intelligence services have actively penetrated the higher authorities of Ukraine since the beginning of the Great War - no one is immune to the leakage of state seduction. Focus surveyed by experts and former intelligence workers claim that the game and FSB can make a picture of future maneuvers of the Armed Forces even on open data. It is likely that in 2024 Kiev will not voice military plans at all so that history does not happen.

The plans of the counter -offensive of the Ukrainian army were on a table in the Kremlin before the fighting. It is not necessary to disclose the details of the Armed Forces plan: the less people know about it, the faster the victory will come, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said at a press conference on February 25. When asked if the Armed Forces are planning a new offensive in 2024, the President said briefly: "The main thing is to have a plan.

Prepare somewhat because of the leakage of information. " The counter -offensive of the Army of Ukraine was discussed at the rate of the Supreme Commander in a fairly wide composition. "There is a command of certain directions. They are all - combat officers. This is an important point. There are still some of our partners who, to provide us with appropriate weapons, know some directions of our actions. They need to know, because they will not allocate the appropriate package.

When such The number of people becomes a lot, the enemy has more details, "the head of state said. Zelensky acknowledged that "not everything is going to be" by "Western partners. The Armed Forces had a "fist for the offensive", but to this day four brigades from this association "remained bare". Military equipment, which was agreed in advance and signed all the documents for its transfer, never put. "They shook their hands, did not reach. Four brigades . . .

could fight these four brigades? No, they were standing, waiting for the equipment," he explained. The Russian special services have made a hand to ensure that the plans of the counter -offensive of the Ukrainian army were on a table in the Kremlin. Since the full-scale war, they were tasked with penetrating higher authorities and obtaining secret data, explains the focus of safety expert, Lieutenant General of Foreign Intelligence Service Vasyl Bogdan. "Classical work of hostile agent.

The work of external, military intelligence of the Russian Federation and the FSB has intensified. Ukrainian counterintelligence is trying to take measures to identify the agency of Russia and Belarus, but there are different situations," - emphasizes the analyst. Given the broad ties of Russia in the world, corruption relations with the governments and special services of the countries of the "Global North and South", as well as Iran and North Korea are not excluded.

With these channels, you can also get secret data. Breach, compromising materials, the use of weaknesses of officials in household life and subsequent blackmail are complemented by Bogdan. "The presidential statement will be a signal for the SBU and especially counterintelligence. It is necessary to monitor the origins of state secrets more carefully," the expert said. It is believed that the counter -offensive of the Armed Forces began on the night of June 7 to June 8, 2023.

At this time, the Ukrainian military conducted a limited but significant attack in the Zaporozhye region. According to the Deputy Director of the Center for the Army Research, Conversion and Disarmament of Michael Samus, the fact of the Russian troops of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station on the night of June 6, 2023 became remarkable. Just the next day, the Armed Forces went to the attack. "Take all the dates and it turns out that the enemy knew about our offensive.

Therefore, they blew up the dam, cutting off promising paths for the Armed Forces. You can guess how Russian intelligence works, but Moscow was prepared for developments," he thought in a conversation with focus. Details for the protection of such serious military data should be requested by representatives of the intelligence services of Ukraine, including counterintelligence, says Samus. "I am not surprised that journalists also put their hand to disclosing military plans.

Remember how the media outlined information about the course of operations? to build a plan of a counter -offensive. One, second, third statement and all - the picture has occurred. The agency will work out other details, " - describes the situation the expert. All questions about military plans in 2024, as Samus says, is better to answer false information and sow misinformation.

Recall that the Lieutenant General of the US Army retired and the former permanent US representative in NATO Douglas Luth earlier stated that in 2024 the Armed Forces could only be limited to tactical achievements. The US military still allowed a slight increase in the converted Ukrainian territories due to the promotion of the Armed Forces.