
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched 30 Shahd in Ukraine: it was loud in seven regions, there is a destruction at the enterprise

Most Russian Drones-Kamikadze PPO forces were shot down in the sky over the Nikolaev area. Khmelnitskaya has damage to an industrial enterprise, the military administration reported. On the night of August 7, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched 30 drones-Kamikadze Shahd, which started from the southern direction, and then reached the Kyiv and Kharkiv region. The forces of air defense managed to bring down all hostile targets. It exploded in the sky above the seven regions of Ukraine.

The peculiarities of the night strike of Russian "Shahmed" by Ukrainians were told on the Facebook page Command of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. The command of the command states that the UAVs of the Russians started from the south-from the Primorsky-Actarsk and Yeysk in the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation. The performance of the air defense forces is 30 out of 30 drones.

To neutralize the threat, Ukrainians used three types of damage - mobile fire groups, anti -aircraft missiles and radio electronic fights, explained in the air forces. The Shakhaned Armed Forces were beaten in seven regions: air alarm on the night of August 6 to 7 in different regions of Ukraine lasted from 1 to 2 hours (in the southern regions) to 4-5 (Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsia) and 9 hours (Kyiv, Cherkasy region ).

The heads of military administrations in the morning reports told whether the destruction had been destroyed and how many drones were beaten. Kyiv region. The Telegram channel of the Kiev Ova at 07:00 reported the work of the Air Force forces. There is no other information about the consequences of the Russian attack. Vinnytsia region. The deputy chairman of the Vinnytsia Ova Natalia Zabolotna wrote on Facebook that at night the Armed Forces were knocking down two drones above the region.

According to her, there is no data on destruction and possible victims. Khmelnytsky region. The head of the Khmelnytsky Ova Sergey Turin in a post at the Telegram channel said that the forces of defense had been neutralized by four "Shahaneda". There are no wounded, at the same time the debris was harmful at an industrial enterprise. The official reported that the tanks and warehouses were damaged and assured that all services were engaged in overcoming the consequences. Mykolaiv region.

In this region, on the night of August 7, 14 drones-Kamikadze were shot down, the head of the Nikolaev ova Vitaliy Kim wrote. As a result of the fall of the debris, the grass in two districts - Mykolaiv and Bashtansky. According to him, the flames have already been extinguished. Cherkasy region. The head of the Cherkasy Ova Igor Storerets at 09:21 published a post on Telegram, which reported on the beat of two drones by the air defense forces.

The official stressed that there were no victims, was loud, "pre -without consequences for the region. " Kherson region. The head of Kherson Ova Alexander Proudin did not inform the details of the Night attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. His morning report refers to the artudaries and the harm from the FPV-the-rays of the Russians. Kharkiv region.

The head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov in the morning report did not mention Shahd's attack: he wrote about the consequences of shelling of Russian artillery. It should be noted that on the night of August 5 to August 6, the focus told about the next air attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The enemy used a complex of defeat-flying four "Iskanders" (two knocked out the air defense forces), 16 drones-Kamikadze (15 knocked down) and two missiles X-59 (all knocked down).