
Secrets of the Terracotta Army, Quantum Engine and HCCs: Top 15 Scientific News for June

Focus has collected the 15 most interesting and most intrusive news for the past month. Focus has gathered the most impressive news from the world of science over the past month. Among them are discoveries as the detection of new artifacts next to the tomb of the first Emperor of China, as well as the most amazing galaxy, which seems to be completely made up of dark matter.

Archaeologists have excavated the imperial tomb next to the world -famous Chinese terracotta army - a place where the first Emperor of China was buried. The monument continues to open more and more details about the era of Emperor Zin Shikhuandi, who united China and ended the "period of kingdoms" in 221 BC. Physicists continue to search for the unusual properties of quantum particles, hoping that this will be a step towards creating more powerful and efficient engines than those that are today.

The authors of the new study have created an experimental quantum engine, which is based on quantum confusion. The study has shown that it can help increase the useful energy produced by the engine but does not increase the efficiency of energy conversion. A fungus called Parengodontium album was found by scientists among thin layers of other germs that live inside and around the "island" of plastic in the northern Pacific.

According to researchers, this is the fourth found marine fungus, which can split plastic waste. As it turned out, the fungus is able to destroy polyethylene based on carbon, which is exposed to ultraviolet light. It is this type of plastic that is the most common and used for consumer goods. Liquid earth elements are used in modern technologies, including green energy. The problem is that all rare earth elements are extracted in several places on the planet.

Fortunately, scientists believe that they have found another place where these rare but necessary elements can be hidden. Experts believe that valuable rare earth elements can be neighbors with fossil fuels. On Saturday, June 8, a M9. 7 outbreak emerged in the AR3697 sun spots. This is the second most powerful class of solar outbreaks. According to scientists, this outbreak was so powerful that it has caused the most powerful solar radiation storm over the last 7 years.

Such devastating events can be affected by satellites, spacecraft and even the operation of short -wave radio communication on Earth. The storm, which occurred in June, had a S3 level and caused a large shutdown of radio communication in the North Polar region on Earth. The new analysis of Mars, which spent the Persevertance rover, showed something amazing. The sound on the red planet behaves in a strange way.

For example, sound below 240 Hz spreads about 10 meters per second than a higher frequency sound. Scientists believe that this effect is associated with carbon dioxide molecules that absorb part of the sound of sound at low frequencies. It is known that carbon dioxide is 95% of Mars atmosphere. Boeing's spacecraft Starliner went to the ISS for a week in June, but never returned to the ground. When joining the ISS, about five origins of helium were found in the ship.

NASA representatives continue to say that astronauts have not stuck on the ISS due to Starliner breakdown, but they will still not be able to return home in the next weeks. The BOEING STARLINER's faulty spacecraft can take 7 months in orbit, although at first the mission duration was only a week. It is still not clear when a couple of astronauts can return home from orbit. The new study confirms the important role of the South Ocean in biological processes and Earth's carbon cycle.

The team first showed an underestimated role of inorganic zinc particles (Zn) in these cycles - the results are based on field data. It is known that the southern ocean plays the largest role in the global productivity of phytoplankton, which is responsible for the absorption of carbon dioxide from the planet's atmosphere.

In these processes, zinc, present in seawater, is an important trace element that is crucial for many biochemical processes in marine organisms, and especially for flowering polar phytoplankton. The team of scientists discovered a layer of breed that "recorded" the development of life on the planet for an incredible period of 120 million years.

It is about amazing stones that record life at the bottom of the ocean between 490 and 370 million years ago on the banks of the Pile River, which then flows to the Mackenzi Delta in the Arctic Sea. Under the icy shield of Western Antarctica, the remains of the ancient river system were found, which once stretched for thousands of kilometers. Scientists have drilled the seabed by almost 30 meters, where they took cores with deposits from two different periods.

The lower part of the precipitate was formed in the middle of the Cretaceous period, about 85 million years ago. It contained fossils, disputes and pollen, which is typical for the tropical forests of the temperate zone. At the upper part of the Kern there was sand of the Middle and Late Eocene, about 30-40 million years ago. In the layer of eocene sand, scientists have found an unusual drawing that resembled those found in river delta.

In northern Spain, archaeologists have found an altar of the Roman era, which was dedicated to the ancient Basque deity of Larrah. The find dated the first century AD. BC, it is important for the study of religious practices of Basque, one of the most mysterious peoples of Europe. In fact, the altar is one of the four archaeologists found by Larrahi worship. In Germany, a Roman military sandham was found, which is 2,000 years old.

The artifact was found near the Roman military fort near Obsthtimem, inhabited between 60 and 130 AD. Ancient sandal, which was initially accepted for cutting pieces of metal, was identified with the help of X -ray analysis that found nails. To ensure that car engines can be used 100% hydrogen as a fuel, a material that can withstand a very high temperature and will be very strong. Scientists have created a complex concentrated alloy of aluminum and nickel, which corresponds to the task.

The authors of a new study believe that the neighboring galaxy is a hypothetical form of dark matter, the particles of which can interact with each other. But this contradicts the main cosmological model that explains the nature of the universe. At a distance of approximately 380 thousand light years from us around the Milky Way, its fourth largest galaxy-satellite called Crater 2. It has a diameter of approximately 6,500 light years and consists of several billion of old stars.