
Hate Socar Network on social networks has signs of custom attack - research

Last week, the Socar gas station network was at the epicenter of the greatest media attack in the media and social networks. Oil reported reports and came to the conclusion about the custom nature of the attack on a brand operating in the Ukrainian wholesale and retail fuel markets.

The start of the reports came after the victory of the Sokar Ukraine LLC in a tender for the supply of 10 thousand tons of diesel "Ukrzaliznytsia" (July 19, 2024) for UAH 529 million and the conclusion of the contract (August 6, 2024). Participants of the tender for the supply of 10 thousand tons of DP for UZ of 19. 07. 2024 The media reminded that the importer received a fuel made from Russian oil.

False reporting of the raw materials of the aggressor country was then picked up by the media, telegrams, Facebook (about 50 messages), which was not critical in general for reputational risks. The material states that the resource of the DP from the pipe, which Sokar receives through LLC "POPP" was not involved in the supply for the railway. Fuel for the UZ from the Socaru came in a different direction, mainly from the south.

The company even paints it at the request of the UZ (though at its expense) directly in the Danube port. The second wave of Hate of the company came in the period of the next tender of the UZ, and especially on the eve of the publishing of the results in the period 16-19.

If on Friday the FB appeared in the advertising of little -known media, where the abstracts about "Hungarian fuel from Russian oil" from Socar were heated, then on Monday on August 19, when Putin was known to Bak "Putin-Gasprom-Skar". On the eve of the announcement of the results of the tender of the UZ, Putin's visit to Azerbaijan became a gift for customers and performers of "Creaslov" against Sokar, says the analyst of Naftotorinka Alexander Sirenko.

According to him, only a message on Gazprom's website on the development of relations with SOCAR (Azerbaijanis, unlike the Russians, did not make a priority on this visit, which was essentially asked by the Ukrainian side) became the basis for the final and powerful third wave of negativity against Azerbaijani business in Ukraine.

"We have explored that by Lunch on August 20 on social networks, the so -called thought leaders urged to bypass the Socar gas station network, with a few bloggers with big okhvas, then in the evening and the next day, negative and abusive messages were published with the text on a boycott. The number of Socar gas stations, "Sirenko says. Tender participants for the supply of 10 thousand tons of DPs for UZ of September 14, 20124, according to the assessment , 17% - Telegram.

The rest is YouTube, Tiktok and more. "Unfortunately, media killerism is a widespread practice of the Ukrainian fuel market, especially for companies that have retail. In this segment, the purity of the brand is a particularly sensitive topic," says Alexander Sirenko. Fresh examples are attacks on BRSM-Nafta because of poor fuel in 2021 with a clear finale (court cases are still ongoing).

Already during the war - in 2023 there was an attack on the UPG network: the company was associated in connection with Belarusians. Then the accusations slightly influenced the brand. Later, a year later, the trader won the court against the performer - the primary source of the media attack - OBOZREVATEL. According to oil, the main question of who was profitable to make the negative to Socar - remains open.