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Now Andrey Motovilovets is trying to hold a document with minimal edits, the blo...

The "port" of the Motovilovtsi is taken to the second reading: the Russian oligarch will receive 50 million euros - blogger

Now Andrey Motovilovets is trying to hold a document with minimal edits, the blogger said. The deputy chairman of the "Servant of the People" faction Andriy Motovilovets promotes the second reading of the Project of Law 9573, which will allow to transfer part of the revenues from the port of the AMPU's ports to private companies.

In particular, it is about the structures of the TIS Group in the port of "Southern" owned by the Russian sub -oligarch Alexei Fedorichev and wanted by the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine oligarch Konstantin Zhevago. This is stated in the blog of political technologist Marian Ochanovsky on the Censor website, UNIAN reports. "The price of the question is 50 million euros and a criminal case, where the ex-minister of infrastructure Andriy Pivovarsky and his ex-deputy Vladimir Shulmester.

The document is lobbied by the former Pivakvarsky Advisor, and now the deputy head of the faction of the servant Andriy Motovilovets. Substantial Russian and a company that invests billions in Russia, "the material reads. The author reminds that in 2016, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine began investigations in criminal proceedings No. 22016000000000269, according to which the brewery and shulmester are suspected of abuse of power in favor LLC "Trinos".

The minister and his deputy prepared and approved an order, whereby part of the funds from the meeting was sent to the said companies, which led to the losses of the administration of seaports of Ukraine for almost 3 million UAH.

The blogger says that the "beneficiary" of the received funds became the owners of companies working in the port "Southern", namely there are container terminals - Russian Alexei Fedorychev, against whom Ukraine was imposed sanctions, entrepreneur Konstantin Zhevago, who is on the power of a bank. " Finance and Credit ", as well as UAE DP World.

The latter, despite what is the world leader in port operation, is also a partner of the Russian government for the development of the North Maritime Road, which should bring more than $ 200 billion to the Russian budget. In addition, together with Rosatom DP World, they announced the creation of a joint logistics operator.

Ochanovsky argues that after the emergence of criminal proceedings, Andrey Pivovarsky and his supporters in the business environment began a massive campaign "Cleaning Reputation". According to the blogger, the Motovilovets was not just a breadwinner at a time when he was a minister, but also was one of the co -authors of the AMPP's allocation of funds between the state and private firms, including Russian.

That is why the Motovilovets takes place in the case as a witness, and in his premises repeatedly searches have taken place, adds the author of the post. "In addition to financial benefit, the document will allow you to bring from the blow of the brewery and shulmester, because in fact the NABU claims-by the idea of ​​the authors of the bill-will lose their meaning, and the actions of the ex-Minister and his ex-deputy-albeit 7 years, but will be on the essence of "decriminalized.

"With potential providers of their ideas," the blogger is convinced. According to him, despite the fact that the corruption risks of the document were repeatedly voiced at the profile committee and subcommittees, including under the transcript of NABU and NACC representatives, these calls were ignored, and there were no hints in the bill on the bill on the bill on the site Conclusions and letters.