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According to analysts, the rocket launched from the Gaza sector provoked a fire ...

Hamas attacked the military base of Israel on which nuclear weapons are stored - NYT (photo)

According to analysts, the rocket launched from the Gaza sector provoked a fire on the Israeli base of the SDT Micha. The fire stopped about 300 meters from the nearest rocket facility. One of Hamas rockets launched by Israel from the Gaza Sector on October 7, hit the military base of the SDT Micha, which probably housed missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. About it writes The New York Times on December 4.

It is reported that the missiles themselves were not amazed, but the blow provoked a fire that approached the rockets and other sensitive weapons. According to the authors of the article, Israel has never recognized the existence of its nuclear arsenal. At the same time, Israeli informants, US officials and satellite analysts agree that the country has at least a small number of nuclear weapons.

According to the director of the Nuclear Information Project of the Federation of American scientists Hans Kristensen, on the basis of the SDT-Mich can be stored from 25 to 50 rocket launchers "Jericho" capable of carrying nuclear weapons. According to the declassified documents of the US Government, Jericho Israeli missiles are equipped with nuclear warheads.

According to Christensen, warheads are most likely stored in a separate place, far from the base, and therefore did not threaten the Hamas rocket attack. In the tanal, they refused to comment on this. At the same time, journalists noted that after October 7, new earthen embankments and barriers were built around military positions near the place of fall of the rocket, probably to protect against future attacks. The media also showed satellite images that can see traces of fire on the base.

It is reported that the fire burned about 160 thousand square meters. At the same time weapons and equipment remained intact and intact. Analysts believe that the fire stopped approximately 300 meters from the nearest probable rocket facility. According to Kristensen, even if the fire reached rockets, their underground tunnel storage was built to withstand the damage.