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According to American journalists, the war in Ukraine actually demonstrated the ...

Demilitarization of the economy: Europe was virtually defenseless before Russia - WSJ

According to American journalists, the war in Ukraine actually demonstrated the depth of the problem of the Armed Forces of European countries and NATO. The reduction of the military budget, the demilitarization of the economy and the inability to the military-industrial complex led to the devastation of the Armed Forces of European countries. About it writes Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

The analysis conducted by WSJ journalists demonstrates a catastrophic picture of Europe's defense capability and the readiness of its armies. The publication came to the conclusion that over the decades after the Cold War, the European armies have weakened because US military supported NATO and all defense policy in Europe.

"Most of the industrial potential of Europe for weapons production has been undermined during the years of budget, and the situation is a difficult task at a time when most governments face budget restrictions on the background of slow economic growth and aging , - emphasizes the publication. According to Professor of Military Research Anthony King, Europe is "systematically demilitarized", while Russia is armed and preparing its forces in the war in Ukraine.

Military expert Malcolm Chalmers believes that in the future Russia "will be able to create a formidable army capable of posing a threat to Europe. " "At the end of the Cold War in Germany there were 500,000 soldiers from West Germany and 300,000 from the Eastern. Today, there are only about 180,000 soldiers ready for deployment in the Bundesver," the newspaper reports. According to WSJ, there are only 200 combat tanks at the Army of Germany - and only half of them are working condition.

In this case, the country's industry can only produce about three tanks a month, and the ammunition of the German army will be enough for two days of intense battles. The next leading US military ally and the largest European investor in the defense industry is the United Kingdom. It has only 150 combat tanks and a dozen artillery tools. There is no fully capable armored division in the country.

"Last year, the British soldiers even considered the possibility of purchasing in museums of jet fire systems for modernization and transfer to the gift of Ukraine, but they refused this idea," - said the publication. France has less than 90 heavy artillery units, which is approximately equivalent to the amount that Russia loses monthly in Ukraine. Denmark has neither heavy artillery, nor submarines, nor aircraft.

The Netherlands, for their part, disbanded their last armored unit in 2011 and included some remaining tanks in the German army. Only Poland, Finland and the Baltic countries, bordering or in close proximity to Russia, are out of the general series and expanding the possibilities of their armed forces. "Yes, next year, Poland plans to spend more than 4% of its annual economic production on defense, which is almost twice as much as in 2022.

Thus, two to three years, Poland may have the strongest armed forces in Europe," WSJ journalists emphasize. General Patrick Sanders, a highly set commander of the British Army, compares this moment in European history with 1937, when the United Kingdom and its allies have discussed whether they would have to resist Hitler. "The 1930s lesson is that when the strategic context and threats begin to grow, and I think it is what we have seen, then you need to start getting ready for it," he said.

According to NATO, military expenditures among the North Atlantic Alliance have fallen from approximately 3% of annual production during the Cold War to approximately 1. 3% by 2014. The situation began to change after the Russian invasion of Crimea, but very slowly. According to the European Parliament, the EU expenses for defense have increased by 20%over the last decade. During the same period, Russia and China increased its defense budgets by almost 300% and almost 600%, respectively.

"Military Like Europe is a great shift for the continent that boasts the best armed forces in the world, at least from the early 1500s to the 1940s, that is, for five centuries. This dominance ended during World War II when the army of the region has broken each other for the second time in about two decades. After that, the United States and the USSR became larger states, "WSJ analyzes. During the Cold War, European countries on both sides of the Iron Curtain had strong armies.

After the Cold War, dividends made it possible for European governments to reduce military spending in favor of everything: from pensions to health care, which led to increased welfare and standard of living throughout the continent, but left their armed forces devastated. According to journalists, the war in Ukraine actually demonstrated the depth of Europe.

"Although the aggregate economic and industrial power of NATO countries overshadows the power of Russia and its allies, we allow ourselves to lag behind productivity. Ukraine is now in a state of war for exhaustion, and if we do not engage in serious production of ammunition, the threat of war is likely to come close to us. " , - said Anders Fog Rasmussen, former NATO Secretary General.

Anxiety is also increasing as the United States moves to a more isolationist position, as well as after almost two years of bloody battles in Ukraine, when a potential threat to Europe by Russia has again appeared before Europe. "If Russia eventually wins in Ukraine, few doubt Moscow's ability to fully re-arry for three to four years and create problems in other places," journalists emphasize.

According to the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the expenditures of the Russian Federation for national defense will increase to 6% of its economic production in 2024 from about 3. 9% in 2023. Although Moscow does not disclose weapons production, statistics in its industrial production reports indicate significant growth. WSJ cites the following figures: on the contrary, the production of medication decreased by about 2%.

Former UK National Security Advisor Mark Sedville notes that Putin may put pressure on other NATO countries, such as Moldova or Georgia. "It can start sabotage attacks in the Baltic States or further strengthen Russia's military presence in Kaliningrad, a strategic Russian enclave, clamped between Poland and Lithuania," Sedville said.

Summing up the analysis, WSJ journalists emphasized that European countries promised to help Kiev for billions of dollars, but stated that they were faced with economic difficulties and restrictions on weapons production. "If the United States refuses to provide primary assistance, Europe will not have stocks to compensate for the difference and will not be able to replenish Ukraine and restore its own forces at the same time," the publication states.

However, military analysts say that the Ukrainian forces are difficult to displace the Russians because in Russia there is an advantage in the number of soldiers and equipment that may be relevant if the United States ceases to support their support and in Europe will end military equipment. We will remind, Focus wrote that in Congress are trying to urgently pass a law that will not allow Trump to destroy US membership in NATO.