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Returning to Russia Killer Vadim Kraskov during exchange with the event - inevit...

Whom Putin hugs: why the event was miscalculated by giving Russia Killer Krasikov

Returning to Russia Killer Vadim Kraskov during exchange with the event - inevitable but bad, says blogger Ivan Yakovina. Thus, Green Light was given, on the one hand, to catch and seize foreigners in Russia, and on the other - for new sabotage and murder in the West, that Putin personally met at the airport, hugged and congratulated Vadim Krasikov killer - this Elegant metaphor of modern Russia.

The most important, most respected person in the system was the killer, whom with the words "Hello, brother!" The prison is personally met by Pahan, who is called the president for some reason. If someone doubted that Russia is now one hundred percent criminal, mafia state, then it is confirmation. It doesn't even work out here. ***** It is very bad that beautifully released.

I understand that without this exchange could not be, but his release is almost a guarantee of the start of a campaign of sabotage and murder in Europe. Potential killers and saboteurs will know exactly what if Putin will help them. Accordingly, a new stage of hostage recruitment for the Exchange Fund in Russia will begin now - they will be grabbed and held in prisons for a variety of foreigners for future exchanges.