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According to the former chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Igor Roma...

Blow on the Port "Caucasus": The Armed Forces struck the ferry "Slavic" why it is important - an expert

According to the former chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Igor Romanenko, it was by this ferry that the cargo was sent to the occupied Crimea for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Now this logistics path is interrupted.

On July 23, the group of forces and means of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with the units of other components of the defense forces, at the port of "Caucasus" significantly damaged the Russian ferry "Slavic" in the port of "Caucasus" in the Kerch Strait. The lesion of this vessel will affect the military logistics of Russian invaders.

A military expert, retired Lieutenant General, former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Igor Romanenko told about it on the air of "Telemarhon". According to him, this is quite important for the logistics support of parts in the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea. The General Staff of the Armed Forces noted that the occupiers were used by this pars for the transportation of railway cars, vehicles and containers for military purposes.

It is important that the "Slavic" is the third and last railway steam that Russia had in the Kuban. Romanenko confirmed that this ferry was transported to occupied Crimea. And now the Port "Caucasus", which is located on the braid of the chush between the Russian territory and the territory of the occupied Crimea, there are no such heavy ferries, which means that it will not be easy to send the goods to the peninsula (and not only).

"This means that if you look at the map to the North, providing units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the Southern Front of War. Considering that there were pre -strikes on other ferrous vessels, there were three, they were not actually capable, there was only this. The lesion leads to the fact that this crossing will not function.

According to him, the Crimean bridge, which built the Russian Federation, is not in full force, and the defeat of the ferry "Slavic" reduces the potential of providing hostile troops and the potential for fighting. "This is essential, given what the situation is on the Eastern and Southern Fronts," Lieutenant General said. According to him, this ferry had a heavy load while the Russians built an illegal Crimean bridge.

Romanenko stated that Ukraine continues to implement a strategy for isolation of Russian infrastructure on the Crimea Peninsula. It is about the displacement of the Black Sea Fleet and blows to military units and air defense. "In the future, this will allow Ukrainian assault and bombard aircraft to work more efficiently. Including the expectations of F-16 aircraft," Romanenko added. In the morning, the residents of the occupied Kerch reported explosions.

Subsequently, the governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamine Kondratiev published a post in which he confirmed that a blow to the Port "Caucasus" on the Kos Chushka was struck. There was little details, but he confirmed that the ferry was damaged. "This morning, a fervent vessel was attacked at the Port" Caucasus ". Emergency services are currently working. There is no fire, there is no threat of fire spreading. Unfortunately, the crew and port staff are victims and dead," the governor wrote.