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Anti-ship missiles P-800 Onyx, which are exported under the name

Yemeni Hutyvit can get from the Russian Federation modern missiles P-800 "Onyx": Details

Anti-ship missiles P-800 Onyx, which are exported under the name "Yakhont" will be threatened not only by merchant ships but also by the military. Iran is a mediator in Russia's negotiations and Hussites on modern Yakhont's anti-ship missiles (P-800 Onyx). The Kremlin, as it is reported, is hesitant, but has an obligation to Iran, which supplies to him drones and Fath 360 missiles. Reuters writes about it. The P-800 Onyx missiles will be threatened with western ships in the Red Sea.

And not only commercial, but also military vessels of the United States and Europe, which protect them. This was reported by three Western and regional sources, which indicates the deepening of Tehran's ties with Moscow. Seven sources reported that Russia has not made a decision on the transfer of Yakhont missiles (also known as P-800 Onyx), thought in the Kremlin since July, but Iran's intermediary role has not been reported before.

Since November, Hutivit has repeatedly struck drones and rockets on ships in the most important Red Sea navigators to demonstrate the support of the Palestinians in the War with Israel in the Gaza Sector. They drove at least two vessels and seized one more, breaking the world's maritime trade, forcing navigable companies to reassemble cargoes and, according to sectoral sources, increasing the cost of insurance on the Red Sea.

In response, the United States and the United Kingdom struck the Hussite positions, but could not stop the attacks of the group. Two regional negotiation officials reported that the Russians met in Tehran at least twice this year, and that negotiations on the supply of dozens of missiles, which have a flight range of about 300 km, are ongoing, and new meetings in Tehran are waiting in the next weeks. Earlier, Russia supplied Yachont missiles supported by Iran's Hezbolla.

One source reported that the negotiations began under Iran's President Ibrahim Raisi, who died in May as a result of a helicopter accident. "Russia is negotiating with Hussites on the transfer of supersonic anti -ship missiles" Yakhont ", - said the source in Western intelligence. " "We do not know anything about what you mentioned," said the official representative of the Yemeni Hussites Mohammed Abdel-Salam.

A high -ranking American official refused to name specific systems that can be transmitted, but confirmed that Russia was discussing the possibility of supplying missiles to Hussites, calling such a development "extremely disturbing". The US Department of Defense has stated that any attempt to strengthen the opportunities of Hussites "will undermine the general international interests in global freedom of navigation and stability in the Red Sea and in the Middle East as a whole.

" Russia and Iran are developing closer military ties against the background of Russia's war in Ukraine. Earlier this month, the United States stated that Tehran allegedly handed over to Moscow ballistic missiles for use against Ukraine. According to three sources, one of the reasons why Moscow arms Husites is the likelihood that Western powers can allow Ukraine to use its weapons to strike deep into Russia.

A high -ranking American official stated that Russia and Hussite's negotiations "judging all over our position in Ukraine and the fact that we are ready or are not ready to make" the requests of Kiev to remove restrictions on the use of long -range weapons. In June, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that Moscow can send opponents of a modern weapon of a long -range weapon, similar to that US and their allies supply Ukraine.

Yachont is considered one of the most perfect anti -ship missiles in the world. It is designed to slide the surface of the sea, avoiding detection, at a speed that is twice the speed of sound, which complicates its interception. Fabian Hinz, an expert on ballistic missiles of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said that the transfer of Yakhont's missiles by Russia to Hussite will become a turning point for regional security.

"P-800 is a much more powerful system than anti-ship ballistic and winged rockets that have been used as far as," Hinz said. According to Hinz, Hutsitis can use P-800 Onyx not only for ship attacks, but also for land blows that Saudi Arabia will be considered as a threat.

A high-ranking US official reported that the US official delegation discussed Russian-Hussite talks with its Saudi colleagues during a visit to Saudi Arabia this summer, and that Washington raised this issue in conversation with Moscow. Saudites also directly expressed their concern to the Russians.

Hinz said that Russia would need to help with the technical aspects of missile delivery, including how to transfer them and make them able to work without the United States to find and destroy their weapons. Houses will also have to undergo training on the system. A high -ranking American official warned of serious consequences if the transmission will happen. "Saudi is anxious. We are anxious and other regional partners are anxious.