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Not so long ago, the only hermit in the EU that sympathizes Putin was Hungary. N...

Face to Russia: Why European politicians sympathize with Putin and how the Kremlin uses it

Not so long ago, the only hermit in the EU that sympathizes Putin was Hungary. Now Slovakia joined it, where Prime Minister Robert Fitzo meets the Russian ambassador to discuss the interaction of the two countries after the end of the war. The focus understood why European politicians were playing with Putin. Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitzo, as experts predicted, builds foreign policy on the model of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, who sympathizes with Russia.

He recently met with the Russian Ambassador Igor Bratchik to discuss the "normalization" of Slovak-Russian relations after the end of the war in Ukraine. "The Slovak Republic is a member of EU and NATO, which naturally affects our foreign policy priorities. On the other hand, it cannot restrict us in the choice , which I intend to realize is the protection and promotion of Slovak national interests. They include support for peace initiatives, not wars in Ukraine, "said Slovakia Prime Minister.

On the eve of Fitzo, he called a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation - "frozen conflict", which can be resolved only at the table of negotiations. He also stated that he did not wear "black and white glasses" and rejects the "policy of unified political thought. " After a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine with Russian ambassadors in European countries, if communicated, predominantly ministers of foreign affairs.

And the main topics of such meetings were reports of the expulsion from the country of Russian spies under diplomatic cover or protesting the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

The meeting of the Slovak Prime Minister with the Russian ambassador in the format of discussion of future relations, as well as the recent visit of the Kremlin Speaker Sergey Lavrov to Northern Macedonia to the OSCE meeting, is fearing - whether there are no signals in the Western world for possible warming against the Russian Federation. And it will not come, as soon as the war in Ukraine end.

From the beginning of the full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine the only EU country that openly sympathizes Russia and does not want to support Kiev in the fight against the Putin regime, Hungary was. Prime Minister Viktor Orban voiced Russian narratives, stating that Ukraine "ceased to be a sovereign country" and calling the war "military operation". Almost two years later, Orban's rhetoric joined the recently elected Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitzo.

Unlike his predecessor, who supports Kiev, Fitzo made it clear during the election campaign that he was set up to restrict assistance to Ukraine. The Prime Minister stated that he intended to support "no sanctions" on Russia under the European Union, called a war in Ukraine "frozen conflict", and organized a meeting with the Russian ambassador to discuss the "normalization" of relations after the end of the war. Experts evaluate the actions of the Prime Minister of Slovakia as a separate case.

Although recently the only hermit to support Ukraine among EU countries was Hungary headed by Prime Minister Victor Orban. "I think Fitzo meant commercial interaction, which, after a full -scale invasion, was under sanction pressure. Slovak Prime Minister probably wants to find a balance and minimize the risks for the country of EU, which lost a huge market for sales," says Focus political. Analyst Oleg Posternak.

Experts add that the Kremlin enjoys any opportunities to demonstrate in the information field former Russian activity in foreign policy. For this reason, the meeting of the Slovak and Russian side was illusory. In fact, Slovakia remains on the side of Kiev. There is a coalition government in the country that cannot be called pro -Russian. If Fitzo acts inadvertently, distanced from Brussels, he will lose power.

"We have many friends in Slovakia, despite the fact that some people with populist views are supported by Robert Fitzo. However, the country has a coalition government. If the premiere has problems with the EU, he will lose power. So we need to work with Brussels, and Brussels, in turn - to explain on the fingers, such as Fitzo, what can be done and what is impossible, " - says political scientist Vladimir Fesenko.

So far, according to the expert, there is no big problem for Ukraine, but risks arise. "The main tool is to change the procedure for making decisions in the EU. This is working on policies, there are proposals, EU reform is needed - to move away from the principle of consensus and come to a qualified majority, so that such as Orban or Fitzo does not blackmail the EU," Fesenko continues.

European policies that sympathize with Russia often adhere to far -right, right or left -centric views - as in the case of Fitzo. Rights have been gaining support in European countries lately, which have already been paid attention in Ukraine. In particular, Yegor Chernev, People's Deputy, Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence have recently expressed anxiety with a similar trend.

According to the politician, almost all of the far -right and some EU parties sympathize with Putin and almost all, with rare exceptions, the far -right EU Party is set against Ukraine because "they consider it a puppet of the left, globalists and an ideologically hostile country. " Experts say that supporting right -wing or left -centric parties in the EU does not necessarily mean a path to warming in relations with the Russian Federation.

For example, Finland, which has formed a strong right coalition in the government, on the contrary, behaves radically in matters of interaction with Moscow. Recently, the Helsinki closed some of the crossing points for the Russians. However, for many years she worked with extreme right and left -centric parties in Europe, investing billions of dollars in lobbying projects.

For this reason, Moscow is sympathized with politicians in Germany, the Czech Republic, Greece, Belgium, Britain, Austria and other countries. In order to prevent the efforts of Russia, which continues to interact with the European world against the background of war in Ukraine, Kiev needs to engage the levers of influence. Complete the EU embassies and consulates, cooperate with Western media and analytical centers. "Belgium is growing up to far right.

In Britain, the victory of the Labor will break the dominant line of the Conservative Party and there will be some changes. Austria has historically gravitated to Russia, there is a huge number of Russian agency. The Balkans are a powder barrel. There is no threatening picture. , to invest. According to political expert Igor Reitrovich, after the war, after the war, it will not be possible to completely avoid partial restoration of relations between the Western world and the Russian Federation.

However, this process will take time that will not play in favor of the Russian Federation. "Contacts with the Russian Federation after the end of the war will be restored, we understand it. European politicians will try to do it. But it will not have a quick effect for the Russian Federation. There will be no situation in which the war has ended and immediately restored relations with the Russian Federation," - said Reitrovich.

Focus wrote earlier that the authorities began to study the moods of society - whether Ukrainians are ready for future negotiations with the Russian Federation on the end of the war. According to experts, this is why politicians say that there is no plan in the country in the country, and also allow for the organization of referendum on important issues. Focus also reported that in Ukraine, there is no clear understanding of what the war or surrender of the enemy should end.