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Military units are still very dependent on volunteers, especially for the supply...

The state supplies more drones and Baba Yaga saves life: the Armed Forces Combat on the Front situation

Military units are still very dependent on volunteers, especially for the supply of shock FPV-pings, although they are experiencing positive changes compared to 2023. The provision of Ukrainian military drones from the state has improved significantly since the beginning of 2024.

Yuriy Fedorenko, commander of the battalion of the Achilles Unmanned Achillet Battalion "Achilles" 92 of the Ivan Sirk, told about it and about the peculiarities of the work of drones, which Russian invaders "Baba Yaga" in an interview of nv. ua. According to him, at the moment the Achilles unit receives 60% of drones at the expense of state funding and another 40% of non -state funds that rely on donations of Ukrainians.

Compared to the same period of 2023, the ratio is much better: last year it was 80:20 in favor of donations and assistance from abroad, the state provided only 20%. However, the UAV pilot commander warns against false, in his opinion, the principles of distribution of supply. It seems incorrect to him where the equipment is issued only to those units that are already effectively performing combat missions.

The success of UAVs in combat comes with the experience that is formed in the course of tasks, both with success and with mistakes. "Therefore, if the unit where the organizational structure is good, but there is no plaque in pilots, do not publish the means of UAV, so they will never fly. It should be realized," Yuri said. An experienced pilot said that there is a significant difference between different sections of the front in the use of UAVs.

This is due to the work of the radio electronic struggle of Russian invaders and other factors. "Some tools that are utterly effective in Kupyansk are not very effective in Bakhmut, and vice versa. Therefore, this is a constant dynamic work that is related to communication between the front and manufacturers," the commander says. The tools used in the battle are also changing over time.

For example, night bombers, "the fact that enemies were baptized as a drone Baba Yaga", which the unit received in early 2023, differ significantly from those that are now. During the year, the manufacturer was so modernized that they became a formidable weapon that the enemy is very afraid of. These drones carry a powerful ammunition that punches and destroys the shelter of the Russians. Reduilders perform two types of tasks: intelligence and enemy defeat.

Inside these types are also varieties in functionality. "In order to see, it is necessary to have intelligence agents of two types. The type of" wing "that flies far enough into the depth of the enemy's operational space, into the temporarily occupied territory and reveals its movement, areas of concentration. And also a copy type is Mavik.

Top copters of war - Mavik and Mavik 3 tons - can monitor the anterior line of combat collision and [fly] to the insignificant distance into the depth of the enemy's operational space, "Yuri Fedorenko explains. The ability to see the enemy at night is also a significant advantage. This is an additional possibility of destroying the enemy by adjusting artillery or sending. In the daytime, the lesions are mainly carried out by FPV-therots and shock UAVs of the type "wing".

The latter are flying further than FPV-pans, and can disrupt logistics in the rear of Russian invaders. "At night [work] huge copters work -" Baba Yaga "as you have already said. I intentionally do not say what manufacturers are not to allocate one or the other because the diversity is large enough within our country. About providing. Night bombers I get the state fully.

I get the "wing" intelligence agents from the state by 60% - 60% issues the state, 40% we find on our own, " - says the battalion commander. The Achilles Unit uses about 1000 FPV-auctions per month. Here the ratio is not in favor of the state: it provides only 300 of them. But it is not so bad: as of September 2023, there were only 60, ie 6%. Achilles is also limited in drones - much of them from European countries and China.

China one way or another limits the supply of components to Ukraine, we have to get them indirectly. There are accuracy in the Russian Federation - the components of drones are not missing. Therefore, in Ukraine, they are now actively engaged in their replacement with European ones. In addition to combat tasks, large night bombers perform an important function that little is said to: provide the delivery of the necessary supplies to the front.

When the infantrymen need to replenish the supplies on the front line - they are loaded on night drones and delivered to the front country that saves the lives of the Ukrainian military. Recently, the pilots of the 108th Brigade of Troy Dnipropetrovsk region were told about the features of the Baba Yaga drone. Unlike the pilots of ordinary FPV-oules, Baba Yaga operators work for a long time with a small team and keep the drone. Specific drone for the military seems to be native.