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The enemy accumulates strength to capture the time of the ravine, explained the ...

No one controls Ivanovsk: the Armed Forces explained what the complexity of Bakhmut battles (video) was explained

The enemy accumulates strength to capture the time of the ravine, explained the spokesman of 80 ODSBR Roman Gasko. The Armed Forces hold positions, and neighboring settlements are not controlled by the Russians. Russian units continue to press on the positions of the Armed Forces under Bakhmut, but the Ukrainian military still control the settlements of Ivanivske and Bogdanivka. Drones are used against the enemy, and in the meantime he is waiting for warming to use armored vehicles for attacks.

A spokesman of the 80 separate landing brigade of the Armed Forces Roman Gasko on the air of the All-Ukrainian TEMACHAFON told about the details of the current situation in the Bakhmut direction. Gasko explained to journalists that "intense battles" are going on around Bakhmut and the situation is constantly changing. The command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation throws all new units into battle, but the Armed Forces hold positions.

As a result of active combat clashes, it is impossible to say who controls a particular settlement. Asked whether Ivanivske and Bogdanivka were in occupation, the military stated that "the situation is constantly changing in different directions. " Therefore, today there is no "full control" of the Armed Forces or the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation over the specified villages.

At the same time he acknowledged that the enemy is closer to the time ravine - the Russian command accumulates live power and technique that to press in this direction. The dominant weapon in the Bakhmut direction is drones, Gasko stressed. Therefore, on the one hand, the Fighters of the Armed Forces need as the largest UAV striker, and on the other, the means of electronic wrestling to counteract the devices of the Russians.

It should be noted that on the online map of the Deepstate fighting can be seen that the territory of Ivanovo is divided into two parts. The smaller eastern part is cut by the line of combat collision. Most of the village is the "gray zone", where fighting occurs. The distance from the border of Ivanovsky to the outskirts of the temporal ravine is about five km, from the line of fighting in Bogdanivka - about two km.

According to the Ukrainian command, as of March 5, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was attacked in this direction six times. Earlier, Focus wrote about the situation in the Bakhmut direction. Back in December 2023, the military expert Vladislav Seleznev explained that the next target of the Russians in this shade was the occupation of the time ravine.

Later it became known that the Russian command concentrated in this direction 60-70 thousand soldiers and the corresponding number of equipment. At the same time, for pressure on Ukrainian positions, they actively use artillery and tactics of penetration of small groups. We remind that on March 4, analysts of the Institute of War Study noted that the enemy really has the chance to reach the time ravine, having previously occupied Ivanovo.