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Journalists relied only on open sources of information, so some of the deaths di...

There are Tajiki and Uzbeks: Roszmi confirmed the death of 68,000 Russian soldiers (infographics)

Journalists relied only on open sources of information, so some of the deaths did not get into statistics. The names 68 011 Russian soldiers who died during a full -scale invasion of Ukraine were installed on the basis of open data. These are not all dead, but journalists relied on official information, which also made it possible to analyze and determine how many volunteers died, how many mobilized and even how many years the oldest soldier of the Russian army was.

About it writes "Russian Air Force Service" and the publication "Mediazon" it is stated that this week the category of volunteer servicemen-those who decided to sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense or Rosgvardia in Ukraine in Ukraine, for the first time in the total number of losses. . It was possible to confirm the death of 13 152 volunteers - this is 20% of the total number of confirmed losses of the Russian side.

For the first time since the beginning of the war, the loss of volunteers exceeded the loss of other categories of war participants, including prisoners (19% of all established deaths) and mobilized (13%). Leaders in the number of dead volunteers: a small part of the dead volunteers are foreigners: journalists set the names of 265 dead, most of whom were representatives of Central Asia: in 2023 it became known about the successful recruitment of the Cuba, Iraq, Somali and Zambia.

But Nepal even appealed to Russia to stop sending their citizens to war, to issue the bodies of the dead and to return all Nepalese mercenaries who had previously enrolled in Russian armed structures. This has not happened yet. But the mercenaries from India managed to return home. Journalists analyzed obituaries and talked with relatives of the dead. Therefore, they can conclude that most of those who signed contracts after 2022 did it really voluntarily.

However, there are cases where people have put pressure on people. Especially often this is faced by soldiers who are serving. Also known are incidents when Chechnya residents agreed to become military personnel to avoid bullying their relatives. Threats and pressure were also evidenced by some prisoners and colonies.

The newly minted contractors are significantly different from the professional military: for many years before the war they worked in the civilian sector, and before departure to the front, preparations, which lasted in different cases from three to ten days. Since October 2023, weekly losses of volunteers have not dropped below 100 people a week, and in some weeks more than 310 volunteers were recorded.

"After school did not continue, in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation he did not serve" - ​​it is a typical detail of biographies of many volunteers. In the war in Ukraine, volunteers between the ages of 42 and 50 are most often killed - 3,874 in the list, which is 30% of all dead in this category. The oldest dead volunteer was 71 years old, and in total, 209 contractors over 60 were killed in the war.

The increase in losses among volunteers is explained by the fact that they are involved at the hottest point - in the Donetsk region. In Russia, every effort is made to constantly attract new recruits in the army. Thus, the Russian authorities are able to compensate for the loss at the front without initiating a new wave of mobilization. Journalists point out that in the Russian Federation there is a planned plan from a set into the army.

To do this, use vacancies sites, conduct personal conversations with those who have large debt to the service of bailiffs, campaign at universities and technical schools. A standard Russian volunteer is a resident of a small village, or a village from a depressed region where there is no work. Some volunteers do not have basic legal literacy and believe that they can enter into an annual contract with the Defense Ministry and return to civilian life after 12 months of service.

In fact, since 2022, all contracts signed with the army are automatically continued until the end of the war. Contracts with the Russian army are also signed to avoid criminal prosecution - this opportunity to suspect the State Duma "presented" in 2023. Investigators are now telling the accused and suspects about this opportunity.

Under the new laws, the case will be finally closed if the investigator enforces the contract, perish, receive a state award or be able to be dismissed from the armed forces for health reasons. Journalists found that those who are accused of war do not take away: according to the order of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, detention centers are obliged to regularly send lists of persons kept in them to the military enlistment offices.