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Western doctrine implies that the best option to combat a stronger enemy may be ...

7 aircraft per week. As Ukraine implements NATO tactics against the Russian Federation Aviation

Western doctrine implies that the best option to combat a stronger enemy may be to create conditions when he cannot reach the war zone. Russian fighter jets were knocked down into the rear of the invaders. Since February 17, the Ukrainian military has already knocked down 7 Russian fighters and bombers of Su-35 and Su-34. The focus figured out what tactics the Ukrainian military realizes.

The Air Force of Ukraine has already shot down 7 Su-34 fighters and Su-35 fighters: Russia uses Su-34 to shock the CAC-250 to Kab-1500. Adding a UMPC set to a fugas bomb has increased the range to 70 km. The invaders launched the cabin outside the Ukrainian air defense system. Airlines are a big problem for Ukrainian defenders. During the fighting for Avdiivka, as reported at the Institute of War, Russian troops were able to capture the city due to the temporary preference in the air.

Analysts suggest that the Russian Federation was first able to cover land troops during the storms of air strikes. At the same time, this also shows that the Ukrainian army was unable to close enough air space in the Avdeevsky direction. The Russian Federation launched 60-80 airbombs a day, said the Armed Forces Major Maxim Zhorin. For the first time, Ukraine is beating Russian aircraft, including Su-34 and Su-35, but for the first time they are being knocked down in such a quantity.

Director of Consulting Information and Consulting Company Express Sergey Zgurets believes that Ukraine has begun to implement the concept of "access zones" (Anti Access/Area Denial or abbreviated A2/AD). The concept involves the creation of a prohibited access zone through long -range weapons. The best opposition for a remote enemy, especially if it prevails in military capacity, will prevent its deployment in a certain area of ​​conflict.

In practice, this means that the Russian front-line bombers Su-34 and Su-35 fighters, which operate in the east of Ukraine, risk in each operation to be destroyed in the rear so that they can not beat airbams on the front. The Israeli Military Viewer Igal Levin adds that Ukraine has taken a very good pace for the destruction of PCS aircraft. "The Ukrainians report on the beating of another Su-34 fighter. This is the seventh aircraft in a week. A very good pace.

Not A2ad, of course, even close, but a slight outline Whatever you do, so silent. But in general, it is artificial, sophisticated machines, it is not a T-55/54 to reconnect. Even the loss of one aircraft is significant, and seven apparatus a week is as painful as possible. What is there, the Russians? on your air defense? ” Levin comments. It is unknown how much the means of Ukraine knock down Russian fighters and bombers.

If it was a direct line of the front, then the Su-34 or Su-35 could be calculated with the MAPs. However, it is a distance of more than 60-70 km. Among the versions is called Patriot, which has a GEM 2 anti -aircraft missiles with a radius of 140 km. Su-34 and Su-35 are beaten far beyond the front line at a distance of 60-80 km. Below are places on the map where Russian pilots included alarm in the Cospas-Sarsat system, and where aircraft dropped.

The Su-34 bomber is double, so the pilots could land in different places, though they were part of one crew. Not all aircraft and crews have information from the Air Force. It should also be noted that in early December, Deputy Minister of Defense Lieutenant General Ivan Gavrilyuk said that in Ukraine work on the modernization of the S-300 and Beech SPR. It is known with the latter that he was integrated by Western SEA Sparrow missiles. However, there is no information on the C-300 update.