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The growth rate of the Russian MPC has declined significantly in recent months. ...

The Russian MPC went down. What problems have the Kremlin with weapons production

The growth rate of the Russian MPC has declined significantly in recent months. Emphasizing this, military expert Konstantin Mashovets identifies the main reasons for this trend and explains what can be expected after reporting data of the Russian Security Council, the growth rate +38. 9 % of the average monthly index of the previous year.

However, the significant decline of these indicators began: according to the analytical structures of the Russian Security Council, further increases of military production in the Russian Federation interfere with several significant factors. In fact, there are no special difficulties with employees in low-skilled positions in industrial production in the Russian Federation, difficulties begin with the average and highly qualified personnel of workers.

Even an automatic increase in the average wage in the industry, various social and state "bonuses" for the staff of the relevant category does not allow to mechanically solve this problem, since it takes some time to prepare it in sufficient amount. On average, in the industries of the Russian MIC, the lack of highly skilled workers' staff ranges from 15-20% of real need.

Moreover, with the increase in investments by the state budget of the Russian Federation in this industry (multiple) and accordingly the constantly increasing need to expand the volume of production of military products, this need has received a steady trend to increase its size. It is possible that after some time the severity of this problem of the Russian MIC will be overcome (the Russians are now very seriously fitting in vocational education and training their citizens).

But at the moment, right now, it is quite existing. It takes some time to eliminate it. In order to further increase production, expand the nomenclature and update the "final product line", the Russian MIC requires appropriate industrial equipment. Starting from machines capable of sharpening the artillery barrel with given qualitative parameters, ending with specialized equipment for installation of complex electronic blocks.

The fate of its own production of such equipment in the Russian Federation does not exceed the pointer in 32-35% of the real need (and then, this is according to its own reports of Russian structures . . . In reality it is clearly lower). The purchase of such equipment (meant throughout the nomenclature involved in military production) abroad, including in the PRC, is gradually complicated by the Russian Federation Council for the last 4 months.

Yes, you are not mistaken, the Chinese are not very eager to supply complex and specialized industrial equipment that can be used in military production. If this kind of machine tools and equipment with the Made Inner label fall into Russia, then it has the character of some unique and exclusive cases.

In turn, with the decision of the governments of Japan and South Korea, "Settling" control over the supply of unique industrial technologies and industrial equipment of "double -purpose" to the territory of the Russian Federation, including "through third countries", Russian structures predict the exacerbation industrial production and in particular in MIC.

At the moment, Russia simply does not produce the industrial equipment of such nomenclature, which is required in its MIC for the production an objective need for increasing production volumes of MIC).

Thus, before the large-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine, the Government of the Russian Federation, for several years and through the implementation of several targeted programs, it was possible to update the park of industrial equipment of its MIC (existing at that time) by about 64-65% (at least, "on paper"). Moreover, mainly through imported equipment and equipment. However, there are some problems here.

After all, even acquired and imported into the territory of the Russian Federation before the invasion of technologically, industrial equipment produced in Europe, the USA, Japan of those other developed countries of the world used by Russians in military production requires regular service. Spare parts, consumables, etc. . . . Moreover, increasing the volume of military production objectively leads to the overtime "soul" until it "breaks" or "crumble".

And this becomes a significant problem when such equipment, or its parts or spare parts, because of the permanent strengthening of sanctions, become a shortage. And I doubt that a foreign firm or the company, apparently, with the exception of the Chinese, will now announce its specialists in the Russian Federation for military production to serve the machine tools or equipment delivered by it. At least open.

Therefore, as for me, there is nothing strange about reducing the rate and growth of military production in the Russian Federation at the end of last year. In other words, for objective reasons, the Russian MIC began to slowly slow down in its growth, at least in volume. As it turned out, simply "flood" MIC for its real growth (more precisely, to increase its return). And then, in addition to volumes, you need to decide what it is necessary to produce and build up.

After the large "king" scandal with the loud plantings of the developers, the "competent authorities" of the Russian Federation received from the Kremlin an unknown order "Tszchatna will pursue" all promising and "modern" OVT developments (especially in the category of Putin "Wunderwart", which he periodically scares the world), and Which elders-Chekists have been working on a Russian significant budget penny in recent years.

These are completely different things (both in value and "effect"), to slander some "iron", let the development of "Pozdnesovetsky periode", or to create some fundamental new "embarrassing" bullshit He kills "through a stump. " The old Soviet T-72 may not be the latest weapons, but reliable and comprehensively worked, both in technological and production and in the sense of use. At least, the number of modernization of this tank says.

In turn, T-14 armature, "unique, modern, beauty, scary and with a toilet", but will look right in the middle of the parade, "in the akkurat in front of the mausolehem". And such examples can be given a lot, starting with the ZACRIR-C1, which "shoots here, but does not shoot" here, ending with the latest developments of "super-automatic" type AK-12 \ 19, or the creation of "newest army means of tactical 'Agricultural ", which are released by a Chinese radio station.

That is, the money is launched, and at the exit - some bullshit is obtained. And, by and large, this is another "problematic question" of the Russian MIC. Of course, to some critical boundaries (or, better to say "Growing"), the Russian MIC is still very distant. It is quite capable of growing a little (and accordingly, to increase its volumes of production), but as we can see, certain trends in increasing problems in it are fully visible.