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According to German journalists, if Vladimir Putin wins the elections in the Rus...

Breeding Stalin: Putin's new victory in elections will be a record for the Russian Federation

According to German journalists, if Vladimir Putin wins the elections in the Russian Federation again, he will awaken in power longer than another dictator - Joseph Stalin, who ruled in the USSR from 1924 to 1953. Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he would run in the next presidential election in 2024, but at the same time if Putin wins the election, he will be in power longer than Stalin. This was reported by German Spiegel, calling Putin's "victory" a resolved fact.

"If Putin has completed another six -year term in the Kremlin, he was killed by Joseph Stalin, who ruled the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953. And then Putin will become the head of the Russian state for the longest since the time of Kateryna Great in the XVIII century," the publication emphasized. Spiegel experts point out that 71-year-old Putin has no serious opponent in the election.

"The most famous Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny, for example, is currently serving more than 30 years in prison in the general regime colony," they state. And since the beginning of full -scale aggression against Ukraine in Russia, freedom of speech, freedom of the media, and increased repression against the opposition, have been further restricted, Spiegel notes.

According to the German edition of ASB Zeitung, there were rumors in Russia for several weeks about when and how Putin announced his new candidacy. "On Friday morning, the Kremlin Prescribe Dmitry Peskov said that the President would do it when he sees him. After the ceremony in the Kremlin, Russian statesmen exploded with statements about their loyalty, saying that they would vote for Putin," - says the newspaper.

In addition, for several days, state Russian television has been showing programs in which citizens have assured Putin, who is in power for almost a quarter of a century that they will vote for him. His re -election is considered to be resolved. According to ASB Zeitung, a 71-year-old president specifically made amendments to the Russian Constitution to be able to run again.

"The Kremlin is expecting a record for Putin's elections, which are characterized by Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine. The President presents himself as a defender from the US desire to superiority and from NATO expansion to the east," the experts of the publication suggest. At the same time, the Kremlin is traditionally trying to organize a pool of candidates for the president before the election to create the visibility of choice and competition.

However, candidates nominated by different parliamentary parties, in general, have no chance. Only on Thursday, December 7, the upper house of Russia appointed the date of the presidential election next year. The Council of the Federation, which was broadcast on television, decided that the election would take place on March 17. "This decision practically signals the starting signal of the presidential election campaign," - said the chairman of the Parliamentary Chamber Valentina Matvienko.

According to state Rosmies, with a "request" to make his candidacy for Putin allegedly addressed the speaker of the Parliament of the so -called "DNR" Artem Zoga, which he answered with the consent. The dictator announced his intention for the fifth time to run in the election on March 17, 2024 at the Kremlin's Honoring Ceremony. In addition, the Russian Central Election Committee on December 8 presented the 2024 presidential election logo, which will be present Latin letter V.

It is well known that it is used by the Russian military to designate its units in the conditions of full -scale aggression in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin has been in power in Russia since 2000. He was elected President twice-in 2000 and 2004. In 2008, he was replaced by Dmitry Medvedev, and Putin became the head of government. Twice he was "elected" by the President-in 2012 and 2018.

Later, in 2020, at the initiative of Putin, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was amended, which allow him to re -run for the post of head of state twice. That is, it can remain in power until 2036. Recall that in the 2018 elections, Putin received 76. 69% of the vote. Focus wrote that the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation also approved the vote.