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The workers of the atomic object tried to hide the penetration of hackers into t...

The hackers of the Russian Federation and China have penetrated the nuclear object in the United Kingdom - The Guardian (video)

The workers of the atomic object tried to hide the penetration of hackers into the computer system Sellafield, according to the investigation of the media. Similarly, they acted as a leakage of radioactive substances occurred at the object. Russian and Chinese intruders have created software that has penetrated the computers of one of the UK atomic complexes Sellafield (Sellafield). The event happened eight years ago, with the staff hid an emergency for some time.

Sellafield's fracture details are referred to as The Guardian. The publication journalists conducted an investigation that they called Nuclear Leaks. The topic of the investigation was cyber frames and toxin relationships in the workplace. It was found that the breakdown of the Sellafield atomic complex took place in 2015. It was then that they noted that the computers had penetrated malicious software. Experts found a program that could spy or harm the whole system.

It is suggested that there are cyber groups from Russia and China, writes The Guardian. According to preliminary estimates, they could access radioactive waste data, radiation monitoring and fire safety, and there are also fears that hackers have reached the "highest echelons of confidential materials on the site. " At the same time, as investigators found out, the staff knew about the emergency, but hid it.

In addition, the information from the object was not the subject of monitoring the national regulator. Therefore, the scale of the lost data is "difficult to quantify". The article The Guardian said when the situation on Sellafield came to the surface. In particular, employees from some government nuclear structures have found that they can successfully penetrate the computer network. They also learned that engineers have uncontrollably connected external data media.

Another case occurred after the visit of the BBC film crew - codes and access passwords were published through the shooting of the television series. The incidents were informed by the Nuclear Regulation (OnR) and the institution has finally launched an official investigation. The object is called "the most dangerous nuclear object in the world," journalists said. The reason for this name is the location of the largest plutonium repository in its territory, which is used in nuclear weapons.

In addition, the system stored data on Britain's actions in the event of a nuclear incident. Since 2012, experts have talked about the vulnerability of this object, written in The Guardian. Due to the weak protection of the computer network, he was called "Voldemort" - in honor of the villain, which did not keep any of his secret. Slalafield is a nuclear complex located in the northwest of Britain, near the island of Maine and Ireland. Number of buildings in an area of ​​2. 4 square meters.

km - about 80. The complex existed in 1942, nuclear objects were built on it until 1956. In the early years, Plutonium was produced here, which was used for the production of atomic bombs, also had a nuclear power plant with two reactors. In 1957, there was a dangerous incident - a Windscale fire when metal uranium fuel was lit in one of the reactors. Another extraordinary event occurred in 2005 - there was a leakage of radioactive substances. At the same time, the staff hid the situation again.

Since 2003, the complex began to be liquidated. Today, there is no plutonium, the NPP does not work, but they are engaged in the processing of nuclear waste. The complex is in conservation, some housings are disassembled. The estimated number of employees is 10 thousand people. Earlier, focus described information campaigns on the Internet, which are conducted by the Russian -controlled platforms on social networks.

In particular, one of the materials referred to the META report on the mass closure of accounts distributed by the Kremlin narratives. At the same time, they were English and tried to discredit Ukraine's position on the world stage. Another publication was about portals distributed by anti -Israeli messages. The intelligence services found that the attackers published photos and articles that showed the propellantal sentiment in Europe.