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In Ukraine, teenagers commissioned by Russian FSB set fire to military cars. Foc...

Arson military cars continue: as the special services of the Russian Federation manage to recruit Ukrainian youth

In Ukraine, teenagers commissioned by Russian FSB set fire to military cars. Focus found out how the Russian intelligence services are convinced of Ukrainian youth. In Kharkiv and the region, about 40 cases of arson of cars belonging to the military. The police have installed pali. They were teenagers aged 12-18. This was reported by the head of Kharkiv Ova Oleg Synigubov. According to him, Palii through Telegram channels received messages from the special services of the Russian Federation.

The enemy suggested for the reward to the arson of a particular object. For this they were promised from 20 to 40 thousand UAH. It should be noted that the National Police have already reported that since the beginning of 2024 the activities of Russian special services, who recruited adolescents from the age of 13, have intensified on social networks. Law enforcement officers detained teenagers who received from the Russian special services at the expense of the Armed Forces.

In particular, in Odessa, criminal police exposed two guys 13 and 16 years old, which set fire to two cars belonging to servicemen. The teenagers were detained with two friends of 16 and 18 years when trying to set fire to another car. And in Kiev recently set fire to Casevak of the 3rd separate assault brigade. The car was taken to the capital for repair. The brigade was called for to punish those who do it, just in place. "Burned car - KESEESIVAK of the third assault brigade.

I, as a commander, agreed with leadership, relying on wartime and combat immunity, I give an oral disposal of my fighters that in case of detection of these animals a higher measure of punishment would be used in place. be indicative, " - said the commander of the anti -tank battalion 3 OShBr Oleg Romanov. According to SBU Explorer Ivan Stupak, it is much easier for special services to identify a group of people than criminals who operate alone.

"On the one hand, it seems that special services should already do something, some preventive methods to use to stop arbitrariness with the arson , the terrorist attack. The expert notes that a large number of social networks are complicating the work of special services. "We have social networks everywhere, young people use everyone, and somehow prevent it can only be forbidden. Then there will be no contact of teenagers with Russian special services.

Otherwise, it is difficult to open such crimes. And proactive specifics can only do educational work For the crime, to explain that the money promised by the Russians will not receive that for the commission of a crime against the state threatens up to 8 years of prison, and sometimes it is possible to "sit" for life Educational work, which, in particular, should be carried out by schools and other educational institutions, " - continues Stupak.

According to the expert, all the regional units of the FSB in the Russian Federation are engaged in recruiting Ukrainians to commit illegal actions within the country. "I opened a spam a month ago and saw 3 proposals for cooperation. One message was from the FSB Chechnya. It was offered to act" together against bandits "in it, and guaranteed anonymity. It was a mass mailing .

The expert explains that FSB staff are looking for those who are ready to cooperate with them against Ukraine, in anti -Ukrainian publications, as well as among those who need money. For example, online casinos who are constantly in debt. "Teens are chosen because they do not ask unnecessary questions. They are offered great money for their age, anonymity, they say that criminal liability does not come unless you reach a certain age. The power of persuasion is easier for teens.

The Russian Federation is sought on social networks, and then their media show a break in Ukrainian society, destabilize the situation, can position teenagers as pacifists who do not like the military and do not want war. 2 thousand UAH will be issued, the rest will be put in their pocket, " - summarizes Stupak. Focus wrote earlier that Russia is actively recruiting women in Russian colonies to participate in the war in Ukraine.