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To the contractors in Moscow, the city authorities pay almost two million rubles...

"At every intersection they were lucky": the size was told how Putin is looking for contractors for war in Ukraine

To the contractors in Moscow, the city authorities pay almost two million rubles for signature under the contract with the Ministry of Defense. So to the capital come from all over the Russian Federation. The war in Ukraine for many Russians is the only opportunity to quickly raise their well -being.

But in Moscow they are paid more than in other regions, so since August 2024, in the Bodyn district of the Russian capital, there is a turn of men 18 - 65 years from all over Russia, who came to sign up for war. Journalists of the edition "Village" talked with those who were going to fight for money. The contract is concluded not far from the Timiryazevskaya metro station. "At each intersection, flyers and postcards were distributed in army form, inviting a new job to fight," the journalists said.

There are two police officers at the entrance to the point. From nine in the morning, the queue is lining here: the first to come to the center residents of other regions who came to Moscow night trains. Journalists noted that the electronic queue, the loudspeaker was announced closer to the hundredth, although there was no lunch and the hall was full. The queues at the selection point appeared after August 6, after the operation of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region.

But patriotism is here to nothing. On July 23, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobiangin signed a decree that will pay 1. 9 million rubles (about 800 thousand hryvnias) to each contract, selected for military service at the city point. Given the salary, Moscow and federal allowances, the Moscow government estimated that the total amount of payments to the contract serviceman "would be more than 5. 2 million rubles for the first year of service", which is about UAH 2 million.

After that, men from all regions of Russia reached Moscow. "It feels like a quarter of the Muscovites now, everyone else comes. If you live in Ufa - you can contract there, but you will pay 400,000 lifting from the city. Or you can buy a ticket, fly to Moscow, get two lia To go to war from us, " - commented in the center.

Moscow payments, combined with the decision of Vladimir Putin, that for the first time the contract can be signed by people up to 65 years, led to the fact that in the queue now full of men of pre -retirement and retirement age. "I lived, we will take my son now, well, we will be killed - well," - reports one of those who want to enter into a contract with the Russian army.

One of the officers of the Air Force, who is in Kherson region, confirmed to reporters that "there are more and more men in the trenches in the trenches. " Those who want to conclude a contract go on a chain of doctors, civilian psychologists, lawyers, military, notaries and bank employees. All agrees to sign the contract are issued to work in Mosgaz, Moslift or other institution of the housing and communal complex of Moscow.

They are stacked to make the contractor receive additional "Moscow" payments, it is a plus 50 thousand rubles for a salary monthly. Another reason for the registration of these employment contracts is the scheme of almost two million from the Moscow government. This money is coming to the contractor's account with the salary of Mosgas or Moslift on the Savings Bank, VTB and other banks, said one of the employees of the Center.

"Most of those who come here make little money," recognizes one of the experts of the selection point in Moscow. "But almost everyone talks about patriotic feelings when you ask what motivation is. " Almost all wives know and consciously release men to war, the staff of the point say. "Well, it is cool for wives. She realizes that from the point of view of her children and their future - they will all be good.

And if you work at a furniture enterprise for 30 thousand a month, what other exits can you be at all? ” Employees of the selection point on Timiryazevskaya say that almost half of those who are in prison are almost half of those who are in prison. "Removing the criminal brand is a very strong motivation," says one of the lawyers who work in the center. Those who want to avoid court and prison also come.

Such a path was official in September 2024: the State Duma approved two bill on the exemption from criminal liability of people who committed crimes if they sign a contract from the Ministry of Defense and go to fight. Now the accused of crimes can go to the front at any stage of the criminal process: immediately after detention, both in the pre-trial detention center, and during the court, and when you already live in the colony.

It is enough to admit guilt and thereby increase the statistics of crime detection, which still serves as the main criterion for the effectiveness of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As the Center's staff admit, their task is to send everyone to the war. "I have not yet refused to say so. Why? Well, it seems strange to me, a person wants to die for Putin, why do I have to stop her? On the contrary. I see it, wants to go to die. It would be strange to me, no, no, Go work as a guard.

" The journalists were convinced that most of those who come to the point of selection for military service in Moscow, not aware that their contract is not for a year, but indefinite. Journalists remind that the first contract with the Russian army for a year. But immediately after its end will continue automatically. "This is due to Vladimir Putin's decree from September 2022 that all military contracts are considered indefinite until it end.

This is not unfortunate that they are sitting there for the third year, and the contractors come and go. So your The contract is up to the end, "the reporters said. "Some" warm "are not aware of the automatic continuation at all," one of the lawyers confirms. After the contract is concluded, the buses take the military from Moscow to position. Since August, according to the data obtained, more than 14,000 people went to the front.