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It is in his own brigade, according to the journalist and military Stanislav Ase...

Mobilization in Ukraine: what is happening in the Armed Forces Training Centers (Video)

It is in his own brigade, according to the journalist and military Stanislav Aseev that there is a fast and qualitative specification of the fighter in the chosen battle direction. This, in turn, raises the question of the expediency of all -military training centers as such. The Armed Forces of Ukraine lack infantry and assault units. Therefore, the Ukrainian defense forces train the recruits massively - mobilized and volunteers.

How is the exchange of combat experience? How effectively do fighters teach for storming Russian positions? What are the weaknesses in the preparation of the Ukrainian military? About "Lashtunky" of the Armed Forces training centers was told by journalist, blogger, serviceman Stanislav Aseev in the material for "Radio Liberty". Recently Aseev, who spent 31 months in prison in the DNR group, volunteered in the Armed Forces and now serves near the front line in the Donbass.

He shared his impressions of how the work of the Armed Forces training centers is organized. First of all, he noted that it is quite difficult to get a volunteer to zero because of the bureaucracy of the shopping center. "Hundreds of men in Ukraine try to avoid mobilization in some way, thousands - are afraid that they are almost the next day after the summons of the summons directly from the military enlistment office will be thrown into battle.

And at this time volunteers - those who consciously want to go to defend the country - do not They can get to "zero" through bureaucratic red tape and a total "scoop", which prevails in the so -called "textbooks" (training centers for military units intended for practical development of tasks of combat training and raising the level of personnel. - ed. ) " Aseev states.

He notes that of course his experience cannot be considered representative, but after communicating with the military it becomes clear that the rudiments of the "Soviet Army" are still alive in the Armed Forces. "References to endless pieces of paper, statutes, regulations create an atmosphere of Kafkian Castle in training centers: an absurdity that does not exit for anyone," the journalist said.

Yesterday's civilian person, who for the first time in his life goes to the training center one month before sending to the front, needs, according to Aseev, that he is taught everything from "scratch". That is, an intense training course from morning to evening, because often such people do not even have an idea of ​​the right rack during shooting.

"It seems to me that this is exactly what the whole organization of the soldier's training system should come: recruit, who arrived at training - does not know anything and needs to be taught everything from zero. If someone knows and knows more, then it is only A nice bonus, "the military said. Instead, as Aseev recalls, in reality, you get into a correctional labor colony for an indefinite time.

Or the conditions are more reminiscent of a combination of a tub dispensary and a detention center - mold, fungus, humidity. "How many recruits are held in this status - no one can say exactly. As, in fact, and why the TCC says that training will begin almost from the first hour when you get into the educational part. In fact The country during the month before it is ready to accept it.

For me, then from the moment of arrival in "Text" began the loss of health, time and motivation, " - emphasizes the volunteer. He recalls that there were no communication during the first days. After two or three weeks of the so-called "grass painting", the mobilized simply forgets why it is here. Sometimes mobilized, according to Aseev, to other training centers.

The recruiter says that his friend "School" was even more reminiscent of the colony-"studying for a while it started that it officially opened the door to do, ax and 15-hour outfits for firewood and kitchen. " Aseev, justice for the sake, notes that there were still more responsible for those who became ill. And the mobilized from previous conscriptions shared the accumulated experience.

If you detail the individual components of the preparation of mobilized for war, it is worth dwelling at such moments, the military testifies. There are no problems with the equipment: the teaching part provides everything you need, from socks to tactical glasses and raincoat. "But to the quality of the form of the question is, at least in the first" textbook ", where we were issued this form. Personally, on both jackets on the third day the castles flew.

At first I fastened the top just on Velcro, then sewed the castles and put it over my head because they could only replace the set, two sizes larger. I eventually spit on it and went in my civilian jacket, until I bought a normal kit in the city, "Aseev recalls. In his opinion, one should not think that it is about the appearance of a soldier. Any professional military will say, Aseev notes that the key point of preference over the enemy is motivation.

"It is not the advantage of weapons, not the skills of battle - first of all motivation. Even the latest Western equipment is rushed, and the personnel runs up," the military states. To avoid it, it is better to come to the training centers with your own shape and shoes, preferably - in two sets. It all depends on the particular part in which the recruiter is.

In general, nutrition is three times and includes a typical army diet: porridge with stew or sausage, soups, vegetable salad, bread, butter, cookies and tea. According to the journalist, most of the mobilized were frankly random people in the army, some even had convictions, serious illnesses such as hepatitis, were without motivation and education - "one even could not write. " "However, the composition of recruits still varied in both training centers.

In the first 70% purposefully came to a contract, often already having at least an idea of ​​weapons or even combat experience. Whereas in the second training center, the volunteer sector was minimal and in age. 40+ was mostly measured, "the volunteer emphasizes. And one more fact is paying attention to Aseev: people no longer want to fight.

"It is possible to deny this, to shoot patriotic stories about" Potemkin villages "instead of real" textbooks ", to mention Bucha, Irpin, constant shelling of cities. But on Wednesday during the day during air alarm to Kiev restaurants, it is necessary to take a turn to get to the hall. And the contingent who, contrary to this, finds himself in the "Teacher" is only a reflection of this reality, "the journalist notes.

In addition, according to Aseev, geographically CCC is gathering people from the depths of the regions, not from regional centers. "All this is a problem that had to be discussed yesterday, otherwise half a million unprepared Ukrainians face several million unprepared Russians, and the calculator will solve everything," the journalist emphasizes the problem.

When the question arises to which brigade the recruitment should eventually get, it turns out that neither the attitude nor the recruiting programs from the brigades have no significance, the journalist states. "A half a day before sending to my brigade, I suddenly learned that they send me to a completely different part. With the vast majority of cadets happened the same. into the desired brigade at least a month.

So even those recruits that took advantage of (absolutely logical) of the Ministry of Defense and in advance chose a unit, a position and a staff in which they want to serve, they are unable to influence this process before "buyers" - people who They just plug holes in their own crews yesterday's cadets, "Aseev emphasizes.

For volunteers, this means that, for example, a potential UAV operator with an IT education becomes an APC driver, or, as a case with Aseev himself-instead of a combat position at "zero" in reality he had to get to another brigade to a staff position. Whether it is rationally, logically, modernly asks the military.

This review would be incomplete, assures Aseev, without comparing the general -military "textbook" with the "textbook" of the brigade, into which the cadet falls already a soldier for service. "Once I managed to move from another's brigade to my own (the one where I was waiting for Aseev again. The journalist and insisted on two key things. The first thing that catches the eye is horizontal connections between commanders and personnel.

Actually, commanders still need to be recognized, because the style of communication with subordinates makes everyone equal, regardless of titles and positions. According to the journalist, any parquetality disappears, almost sacred tremor before the older one. Everyone understands that right now, each of those present risks life, and there is simply no time for formalism.

"Further zero will not be sent" - Maxim, who completely shapes the logic of commanders' relationships with personnel on the line of fighting, " - emphasizes Aseev. The second moment: in one day at the landfill journalist, he said, gained more experience than two Months of rolling "tutors. " in the chosen battle direction. This, in turn, raises the question of the expediency of all -military "textbooks" as such, Aseev.

She is a new blood: to replace Soviet officers with combat with a completely different vision of life and values. But the years will be objectively, because the system will resist, besides such officers as air is needed at the front, " - states the fighter. The possible way out, according to the journalist, is the licensing of private training centers by the state with recognition of their certificates at the state level. For example, private sniper courses or tactical medicine and UAV courses.

", - Aseev offers. The funds for this military assumes from the salaries of cadets, which the state now pays 20 thousand hryvnias per month of stay in the" Teacher ". To spread the legislative machine in the right direction. Therefore, Aseev offers another option: to maximize the amount of training abroad, ideally with Ukrainian combat instructors.

"It is possible to try to create a network of foreign training hubs that combine Western infrastructure with the combat experience of the best Ukrainian instructors. Yes, training abroad is happening now, but often it is much lower than the required level or far from the realities The instructors I had to communicate with and who have passed the Western course, ”the journalist says.

Therefore, in his opinion, the big problem of Ukrainian "textbooks" is also in a complete failure of communication with society: the unknown gives rise to fear, fear paralyzes will and encourages inaction, stupor. "What is the phenomenon of the same third assault brigade? These people have made themselves transparent as if glass: everything is clear and clear what is waiting for recruit The moon will risk life at "zero", - states Aseev.