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I wish health, dear Ukrainians! He held several meetings today about the consequ...

No matter how much Russia has made, our state and people will still be in shackles - the President of Ukraine's appeal

I wish health, dear Ukrainians! He held several meetings today about the consequences of a massive blow to our infrastructure. Another attempt by the terrorist state to fight against civilization has led to temporary shutdowns of electricity, heat, water in some of our regions and cities. Russian missiles have taken the lives of six Ukrainians today. My condolences to families . . . Renewable work on energy oven continue all day. The hardest part is Kharkiv, Zhytomyr.

It is not easy in Odessa, in the Dnipropetrovsk region, in Kiev, in Zaporozhye. Repair crews, energy, local authorities, central authorities - all will work as much as they need to restore energy to cities and areas where problems are now. I thank everyone who works for the sake of it. We have already shown what Ukraine is capable of. And no matter how much Russia has made meanings, our state and people will still be in shackles. Neither the missiles nor the atrocities of Russia will help.

I want to thank all the soldiers of our Air Force today. Especially-the 138th Dnieper, 160th Odessa and 208th Kherson anti-aircraft missile brigades, which were distinguished in defense of this Russian coating. Thank you, warriors! I thank everyone in the world who realizes how important it is to give full protection to the Ukrainian sky. To anyone who is ready to help us guarantee the normal lives of people.

He spoke today with the President of the European Commission Ursula von Der Lyen, including Ukraine's energy support. I informed about the consequences of a stroke of the terrorist state. I am grateful to Mrs. Ursuli for the appropriate assistance provided. Of course, we also discussed the issues of pressure on Russia for terror. Sanction pressure. How to expand sanctions. By the way, as a result of this blow, the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Station was again disconnected from the energy network.

This is a critical situation. And Russia deliberately goes to create such critical situations on our nuclear objects. This is simply a definition that Russia cannot be a conscientious participant in any relationship in the atomic sphere. Therefore, the faster the Russian atomic industry will be under sanctions, the safer will be the world. The terrorist state cannot be left to use any nuclear objects anywhere in the world for terror. Ms.

President of the European Commission positively appreciated our country's progress in the anti -corruption direction. In particular, the approval of the anti -corruption strategy and the appointment of a new NABU director. This is important in the context of our further movement in European integration prior to negotiations on Ukraine's membership in the European Union. Today, however, he held a long meeting with representatives of our cultural community.

Theater, cinema, music, literature, state cultural institutions, public initiatives. The Shevchenko Committee, Ukrainian Journalists was presented. We talked about how to strengthen the opportunities of Ukrainian culture in communication with the world for the sake of Ukraine's support. Diplomacy, journalism and culture are three areas that make the world understand our struggle and help. Also, of course, we talked about our own national needs.

It is very important that the experience of a full -scale war, our soldiers, what they pass on the front, the experience of Ukrainian trenches, the experience of our people who really protect European freedom - that all this experience is described by Ukrainians. In order for our culture, its figures, its institutions, to be able to fill the need for a Ukrainian cultural product, in the understanding of the Ukrainian situation. Ukraine has reached the greatest national unity in its history.

Ukraine has united the world. Ukrainians inspire hundreds of other peoples to protect their state and freedom. And it will be right that all this is reflected in Ukrainian culture, our institutions, our people. Ukrainian cinema, Ukrainian theater, Ukrainian literature, Ukrainian music, Ukrainian museums, Ukrainian visual art. That all this is preserved in the true experience of those who pass the war, who is on the forefront, who really is experiencing what it means: fight - overcome.

There have been many ideas today. There is something that the state can and should do. There is something that depends on the cultural community itself. Thank you again to the participants and participants of the meeting. And thank you all the figures of Ukrainian culture for this year and for all the years of Ukrainian independence, when we were stronger.