He explained that the war in Ukraine has a new component - excessive openness related to the widespread use of social networks. Before that, no war or military conflict had such OSINT analytics and information. "To put it bluntly, you can now buy access to certain areas of the front for $ 30 through satellite images, analyze, control social networks. Thus, to form a picture of the battlefield, what our own and hostile osinters do," the expert said.
According to him, on the one hand, the situation on the front becomes quite transparent and understandable. However, the real state of affairs in each area depends on many factors: how they are at war, what forces are concentrated, what positions hold, and so on. Satellite images and social networks do not give the full picture.
"In any case, the fog of war is preserved and sometimes one source, which has good spread or good resonations in the media environment, can significantly expose one or another situation that is formed on a particular area of the front," Zgurets emphasized. He noted that Makarivka was not really surrounded. "On the Deepstate map it was shown that this settlement was surrounded. And then there was an explanation from the people who commented on the situation.
They said that the opponent was really in groups, in any case the environment did not really happen. Our units were from there Bred, " - said the analyst. He stressed that the information field of that day was formed around the map from Deepstate. "Sometimes we get into the traps of such an information field that often does not correspond to the real situation on the battlefield," Zgurets added. We will remind, the full environment of Makarovka was also reported by the officer "Alex".
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