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The path of freedom leads to Russian slavery, so when on our flag the slogan

When two flocks fight, mathematics is not in our favor: why the path of freedom leads to Russian slavery

The path of freedom leads to Russian slavery, so when on our flag the slogan "Dignity!" But "for ours and your freedom" receded "Glory to the nation! Death to the enemies!", We began to defeat, says political expert Gennady Druzenko. Because when two flocks just fight, mathematics is not in our favor - and we will do nothing. On the way to the Road to Unfreedom. This is the name of Timothy Snyder, which he published in 2018. It was about America, Europe and Russia.

In it, the author, in particular, analyzes how the Kremlin tries to drag a collective event in the funnel. The Great War, which Russia had sold against Ukraine, awakened some (far from all) Western leaders, and they mentioned that freedom is not a permanent state, but a dynamic reality that needs to be defended and cherished daily. In Ukraine, we lose the war because they embarked on the path of freedom. We believed that in order to defeat the dragon, we should be likened to him.

To become the same dragon, only under another flag. So the USSR fought with the Third Reich. Two human -hazardous regimes came together in the deadly herd. And the one that was more resource (in particular through the support of Western democracies) and more cruel. The longer the war lasts, the more we have traits that are common with our enemy. It is clearer in the slogan "Ukraine above all!" The echo of "Deutschland über alles" is emerging. Then less tolerance to opponents.

More often than not, the law is sacrificed without doubt. Corruption blossoms brighter. More often, common sense loses the authority of the sole leader. Then more propaganda on air. And less often the powerful mention the constitutional declaration: "Man, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. " Lebensraum became more important than people . . .

Our tragedy is that elementary mathematics works in the frontal collision of such systems: the one who has more resources - people, weapons, finances, territories, etc. wins. David has a chance to defeat Goliath only when he refuses to accept the rules of war imposed by Goliath. Therefore, when we acted as a SCO in 2022, we won.

As soon as we returned to the Soviet School of War (the apogee of which was the appointment to the post of the present Main Committee), we have been gradually losing cities, villages, people and . . . hope for a year and a half. The path of freedom leads to Russian slavery. When our flag is the slogan "Dignity!" But "for ours and your freedom" receded the call "Glory of the nation! Death to enemies!", We embarked on the path of defeat.

Because when two flocks just fight, mathematics is not in our favor. And we will do nothing about it. The more the Soviet people in the army, the bellies - in the rear, corruption - in power offices, intolerance in the authorities, the less freedom will remain in Ukraine. And without freedom there is no dignity.

As the great Ukrainian Boris Antonenko-Davidovich said: "I am not a Tolstovets, who will not oppose evil, but I am sure that he will not bring to the good imitation of the worst features of his opponents. For what then to fight and weigh his life?" And further, to paraphrase the classic: "After all, non -freedom, even under the Ukrainian national flag, sung in the Ukrainian language, remains an evil" . . . Ukraine has a chance to withstand in uneven boring with Russia.